计算 2 个字符串的长度并添加它们失败
Calculate length of 2 Strings and add them fails
我无法解决字符串长度计算问题。所以整件事都来自我正在阅读的一本关于 kotlin 编程的书:Big Nerd Ranch Guide。有一个酒馆菜单应该用代码格式化。提供的菜单列表如下所示:
shandy,Dragon's Breath,5.91
elixir,shirley temple,4.12
meal,goblet of la croix,1.22
desert dessert,pickled camel hump,7.33
elixir,iced boilermaker,11.22
*** Welcome to Taernyl's Folly ***
Dragon's Breath...............5.91
Shirley Temple................4.12
Goblet Of La Croix............1.22
Pickled Camel Hump............7.33
Iced Boilermaker.............11.22
所以我创建了一个函数,它获取菜单数据并根据逗号将其拆分(感谢@gidds 的更正)。我不需要每一行的第一个条目。这是函数:
fun createMenuList(menuData: List<String>) {
// print the Header with the Tavern Name
println("*** Welcome to $TAVERN_NAME ***\n")
// List of the parts of the beverage name since I need to capitalize each part of the name
var nameList: List<String>
menuData.forEachIndexed { _, menuData ->
// the menu data is split by comma and and stored in beverageName and beveragePrice
var (_, beverageName, beveragePrice) = menuData.split(",")
// next line I calculate the dots I need to fill in the
// space between the name and the price based on a line length of 34
val dotCount = 34 - (beverageName.length + beveragePrice.length)
// if I print the calculations for both Strings the calculation works
// for the beverageName but not for beveragePrice, it's always 5 even though it is not
println("Namelength:${beverageName.length} Pricelength:${beveragePrice.length}")
var counter = 0
var dots = ""
// add as many dots as calculated by the string operation for the space
while (counter <= dotCount) {
dots += "."
nameList = beverageName.split(' ')
var cappedName = ""
for (name in nameList) {
cappedName += name.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercase() } + " "
cappedName = cappedName.substring(0 until cappedName.length - 1)
如果我 运行 代码,饮料价格的长度总是计算为 5,
即使前 4 个条目应该是 4。
这导致前 4 个条目的行长度错误,我不知道我做错了什么。
这是我用打印的字符串长度得到的结果。有趣的是,相同的代码在 windows 机器上可以正常工作。我感谢我能得到的每一个帮助,提前致谢。
*** Welcome to Taernyl's Folly ***
Namelength:15 Pricelength:5
Dragon's Breath...............5.91
Namelength:14 Pricelength:5
Shirley Temple................4.12
Namelength:18 Pricelength:5
Goblet Of La Croix............1.22
Namelength:18 Pricelength:5
Pickled Camel Hump............7.33
Namelength:16 Pricelength:5
Iced Boilermaker..............11.22
感谢作为 Tenfour04、Henry Twist 和 gidds 在评论中回答我的问题的所有人。
Tenfour04给出了最初的正确答案。拆分后,换行符将添加到列表中的元素中。我已经在 windows 上看到它现在也发生了。
因此,我猜当您从文件中读取字符串时,应该始终将 trim() 与 split() 一起使用。
var (_, beverageName, beveragePrice) = menuData.trim().split(",")
我无法解决字符串长度计算问题。所以整件事都来自我正在阅读的一本关于 kotlin 编程的书:Big Nerd Ranch Guide。有一个酒馆菜单应该用代码格式化。提供的菜单列表如下所示:
shandy,Dragon's Breath,5.91
elixir,shirley temple,4.12
meal,goblet of la croix,1.22
desert dessert,pickled camel hump,7.33
elixir,iced boilermaker,11.22
*** Welcome to Taernyl's Folly ***
Dragon's Breath...............5.91
Shirley Temple................4.12
Goblet Of La Croix............1.22
Pickled Camel Hump............7.33
Iced Boilermaker.............11.22
所以我创建了一个函数,它获取菜单数据并根据逗号将其拆分(感谢@gidds 的更正)。我不需要每一行的第一个条目。这是函数:
fun createMenuList(menuData: List<String>) {
// print the Header with the Tavern Name
println("*** Welcome to $TAVERN_NAME ***\n")
// List of the parts of the beverage name since I need to capitalize each part of the name
var nameList: List<String>
menuData.forEachIndexed { _, menuData ->
// the menu data is split by comma and and stored in beverageName and beveragePrice
var (_, beverageName, beveragePrice) = menuData.split(",")
// next line I calculate the dots I need to fill in the
// space between the name and the price based on a line length of 34
val dotCount = 34 - (beverageName.length + beveragePrice.length)
// if I print the calculations for both Strings the calculation works
// for the beverageName but not for beveragePrice, it's always 5 even though it is not
println("Namelength:${beverageName.length} Pricelength:${beveragePrice.length}")
var counter = 0
var dots = ""
// add as many dots as calculated by the string operation for the space
while (counter <= dotCount) {
dots += "."
nameList = beverageName.split(' ')
var cappedName = ""
for (name in nameList) {
cappedName += name.replaceFirstChar { it.uppercase() } + " "
cappedName = cappedName.substring(0 until cappedName.length - 1)
如果我 运行 代码,饮料价格的长度总是计算为 5, 即使前 4 个条目应该是 4。 这导致前 4 个条目的行长度错误,我不知道我做错了什么。 这是我用打印的字符串长度得到的结果。有趣的是,相同的代码在 windows 机器上可以正常工作。我感谢我能得到的每一个帮助,提前致谢。
*** Welcome to Taernyl's Folly ***
Namelength:15 Pricelength:5
Dragon's Breath...............5.91
Namelength:14 Pricelength:5
Shirley Temple................4.12
Namelength:18 Pricelength:5
Goblet Of La Croix............1.22
Namelength:18 Pricelength:5
Pickled Camel Hump............7.33
Namelength:16 Pricelength:5
Iced Boilermaker..............11.22
感谢作为 Tenfour04、Henry Twist 和 gidds 在评论中回答我的问题的所有人。 Tenfour04给出了最初的正确答案。拆分后,换行符将添加到列表中的元素中。我已经在 windows 上看到它现在也发生了。 因此,我猜当您从文件中读取字符串时,应该始终将 trim() 与 split() 一起使用。 解决方案是:
var (_, beverageName, beveragePrice) = menuData.trim().split(",")