
How to handle two values from a list simultaneously in a loop, attribute error


我尝试用 dist = Line(i[0],i[1]).distance 替换 dist = Line(i,i+1).distance 但它会产生索引错误,我需要一个重载函数来索引,但说明中没有说明。

import math

class Point:
    '''Class that creates points. Attributes: Eastings and Northings'''
    def __init__(self,x,y):
        self.eastings = x
        self.northings = y
    def getCoords(self):
        self.coords = (self.eastings,self.northings)
        return self.coords
    def setCoords(self,other_x,other_y):
        self.eastings = float(other_x)
        self.northings = float(other_y)
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.eastings},{self.northings}"
    def __add__(self,new_point):
        return Line(self,new_point)

class Line(Point):
    '''Class that creates line object based on two points'''
    def __init__(self,start,end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.latitude = self.end.eastings - self.start.eastings
        self.departure = self.end.northings - self.start.northings
        self.distance = math.sqrt((self.latitude)**2 + (self.departure)**2)
        self.azimuth = math.degrees(math.atan2(self.departure,self.latitude))
    def __getitem__(self,index):
        if index == 0:
            ans = self.start
        elif index == 1:
            ans = self.end
            print("invalid index")
        return ans

class Lot(Line):
    def __init__(self,name,lstpoints):
        self.name = name
        self.corners = self.__setCorners(lstpoints)
        self.lines = self.__getLines(lstpoints)
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
    def __setCorners(self,lstpoints):
        dct = {}
        for k,val in enumerate(lstpoints):
            new = {f"C{k+1}":val}
        return dct
    def __getLines(self,lstpoints):
        lst_lines = []
        lst_dist = []
        for k,val in enumerate(lstpoints):
            if k == len(lstpoints)-1:
                new = f"C{k+1}-C{k+2}"
        for i in lstpoints:
            dist = Line(i,i+1).distance
        dct_lines = dict(zip(lst_lines,lst_dis))
        return dct_lines

#test code that yields the error
a = Point(0,0)
b = Point(1,1)
c = Point(1,0.5)
lot = Lot("A1",[a,b,c])


AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-78-8644b897c98b> in <module>()
      2 b = Point(1,1)
      3 c = Point(1,0.5)
----> 4 lot = Lot("A1",[a,b,c])
      5 type(Lot)

<ipython-input-77-8492f1fa52db> in __init__(self, name, lstpoints)
      3         self.name = name
      4         self.corners = self.__setCorners(lstpoints)
----> 5         self.lines = self.__getLines(lstpoints)
      6         self.left = None
      7         self.right = None

<ipython-input-77-8492f1fa52db> in __getLines(self, lstpoints)
     22                 lst_lines.append(new)
     23         for i in lstpoints:
---> 24             dist = Line(i,i+1).distance
     25         dct_lines = dict(zip(lst_lines,lst_dis))
     26         return dct_lines

<ipython-input-65-7ac5af0efeef> in __add__(self, new_point)
     13         return f"{self.eastings},{self.northings}"
     14     def __add__(self,new_point):
---> 15         return Line(self,new_point)

<ipython-input-72-7743a2ec7710> in __init__(self, start, end)
      4         self.start = start
      5         self.end = end
----> 6         self.latitude = self.end.eastings - self.start.eastings
      7         self.departure = self.end.northings - self.start.northings
      8         self.distance = math.sqrt((self.latitude)**2 + (self.departure)**2)

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'eastings'


for i in lstpoints:
        dist = Line(i,i+1).distance


for i in range(len(lstpoints)):
        dist = Line(lstpoints[i],lstpoints[i+1]).distance