十月 CMS - 自定义插件:JSON 检测到递归

October CMS - Custom Plugin: JSON Recursion Detected

我想开发一个扩展 RainLab.Blog in October CMS 的插件。

我的插件数据库出现在 SQL 数据库和后端表单中,在编辑博客时采用新输入 post 呈现得很好,但在尝试将更改保存到 SQL,它们出现的地方 NULL:

"Method OleMol\BlogExtensions\Models\Extension::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\JsonEncodingException: Error encoding model [OleMol\BlogExtensions\Models\Extension] with ID [2] to JSON: Recursion detected" on line 0 of C:\xampp\htdocs\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support\Str.php

这似乎是一个 Laravel 问题,这是我第一次在专业项目中使用 October。 最初,我尝试将 table 与一堆列一起使用,但为了进行故障排除,我将其简化为 一个 自定义列,直到找到答案。

我正在尝试跟随 this video tutorial,但扩展 RainLab.Blog 而不是 RainLab.User.

cd C:\xampp\htdocs
php artisan create:plugin OleMol.BlogExtensions


<?php namespace OleMol\BlogExtensions;
use Backend;
use System\Classes\PluginBase;
use RainLab\Blog\Models\Post as PostModel;
use RainLab\Blog\Controllers\Posts as PostsController;
use OleMol\BlogExtensions\Models\Extension as ExtensionModel;
 * BlogExtensions Plugin Information File
class Plugin extends PluginBase    {
    /* RainLab.Blog is a dependency for this plugin. */
    public $require = [ 'RainLab.Blog' ];

    public function boot()    {
        PostModel::extend(function($model)  {
            $model -> hasOne[ 'blogextension' ] = [ 'OleMol\BlogExtensions\Models\Extension' ];
        PostsController::extendFormFields(function($form, $model, $context) {
            //Only extend this controller if the model is a post.
            if (!$model instanceof PostModel)   { return; }
            //Don't create an extension to a model that does not exist.
            if (!$model -> exists)  { return; }
            //Ensure that the post always has an extension before adding fields.
            $form -> addTabFields([ 'blogextension[business_name ]' => [ 'label' => 'Business Name', 'tab' => 'Business' ]);
}                                                                                                    }


- First version of BlogExtensions
- create_business_table.php


<?php namespace OleMol\BlogExtensions\Updates;
use Schema;
use October\Rain\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use October\Rain\Database\Updates\Migration;
class CreateBusinessTable extends Migration    {
    public function up()    {
        Schema::create('olemol_blogextensions_business', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table -> engine = 'InnoDB';
            $table -> increments('id');
            $table -> integer('post_id') -> unsigned() -> index();
             * This always ends up as NULL!
             * (Or default value in case it's not nullable).
            $table -> string('business_name') -> nullable();
            $table -> timestamps();
    public function down()    {


<?php namespace OleMol\BlogExtensions\Models;
use Model;
 * Extension Model
class Extension extends Model    {
    use \October\Rain\Database\Traits\Validation;
     * @var string table associated with the model
    public $table = 'olemol_blogextensions_business';
     * @var array dates attributes that should be mutated to dates
    protected $dates = [ 'created_at', 'updated_at' ];

    public $belongsTo = [ 'post' => [ 'RainLab\Blog\Models\Post' ]];

    /* Helper-function to ensure that post always has an extension. */
    public static function getFromPost($post)   {
        if ($post -> extension) { return $post -> extension; }
        $extension = new static;
        $extension -> post = $post;
        $extension -> save();

        $post -> extension = $extension;
        return $extension;


php artisan plugin:refresh OleMol.BlogExtensions
php artisan project:sync
php artisan october:migrate

我的日程很紧,此时我觉得自己迷路了。 如果需要更多信息,请与我们联系。 我将不胜感激任何帮助。

我认为您的代码 Extension.php-> getFromPost method 需要一些更正

// plugins\olemol\blogextensions\models\Extension.php: getFromPost method: 
$post->extension = $extension;

应该是:blogextension而不是only extension

$post->blogextension = $extension;
//     ^ HERE

您需要在此处指定您的 hasOne 关系名称
