Chrome FileReader returns 大文件的空字符串 (>= 300MB)

Chrome FileReader returns empty string for big files (>= 300MB)





请注意,分块 对我来说不是一个选项,因为我需要通过 'POST' 将完整的 base64 字符串发送到 API不支持块。


'use strict';

var filePickerElement = document.getElementById('filepicker');

filePickerElement.onchange = (event) => {
  const selectedFile =[0];
  console.log('selectedFile', selectedFile);


function readFile(selectedFile) {
  console.log('START READING FILE');
  const reader = new FileReader();

  reader.onload = (e) => {
    const fileBase64 = reader.result.toString();

    console.log('ONLOAD','base64', fileBase64);
    if (fileBase64 === '') {
      alert('Result string is EMPTY :(');
    } else {
        alert('It worked as expected :)');

  reader.onprogress = (e) => {
    console.log('Progress', ~~((e.loaded / * 100 ), '%');

  reader.onerror = (err) => {
    console.error('Error reading the file.', err);

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  <title>FileReader issue example</title>


  <div class="container">
    <h1>FileReader issue example</h1>
    <div class="card">
      <div class="card-header">
        Select File:
      <div class="card-body">
        <input type="file" id="filepicker" />


  <script src=""
  <script src="main.js"></script>


这是一个部分解决方案,它将块中的 blob 转换为 base64 blob...将所有内容连接成一个 json blob,其中包含 json 的 pre/suffix 部分和 base64中间的块

将其保存为 blob 允许浏览器优化内存分配并在需要时将其卸载到磁盘。

您可以尝试将 chunkSize 更改为更大的值,浏览器喜欢在内存中保留较小的 blob 块(一个桶)

// get some dummy gradient file (blob)
var a=document.createElement("canvas"),b=a.getContext("2d"),c=b.createLinearGradient(0,0,3000,3000);a.width=a.height=3000;c.addColorStop(0,"red");c.addColorStop(1,"blue");b.fillStyle=c;b.fillRect(0,0,a.width,a.height);a.toBlob(main);

async function main (blob) {
  var fr = new FileReader()
  // Best to add 2 so it strips == from all chunks
  // except from the last chunk
  var chunkSize = (1 << 16) + 2 
  var pos = 0
  var b64chunks = []
  while (pos < blob.size) {
    await new Promise(rs => {
      fr.readAsDataURL(blob.slice(pos, pos + chunkSize))
      fr.onload = () => {
        const b64 = fr.result.split(',')[1]
        // Keeping it as a blob allaws browser to offload memory to disk
        b64chunks.push(new Blob([b64]))
      pos += chunkSize

  // How you concatinate all chunks to json is now up to you.
  // this solution/answer is more of a guideline of what you need to do
  // There are some ways to do it more automatically but here is the most
  // simpliest form
  // (fyi: this new blob won't create so much data in memory, it will only keep references points to other blobs locations)
  const jsonBlob = new Blob([
    '{"data": "', ...b64chunks, '"}'
  ], { type: 'application/json' })

  // strongly advice you to tell the api developers 
  // to add support for binary/file upload (multipart-formdata)
  // base64 is roughly ~33% larger and streaming
  // this data on the server to the disk is almost impossible 
  fetch('./upload-files-to-bad-json-only-api', {
    method: 'POST',
    body: jsonBlob
  // Just a test that it still works
  // new Response(jsonBlob).json().then(console.log)
  fetch('data:image/png;base64,' + await new Blob(b64chunks).text()).then(r => r.blob()).then(b => console.log(URL.createObjectURL(b)))

我避免制作 base64 += fr.result.split(',')[1]JSON.stringify 因为 GiB 的数据很多而且 json 无论如何都不应该处理二进制数据

Is this a chrome bug?

正如我在对 Chrome, FileReader API, === "" 的回答中所说,这是一个 V8(Chrome 但也有 node-js 和其他人的 JavaScript JS 引擎)限制.
技术细节是,这里实际上失败的是在 64 位系统上构建超过 512MB(小于 header)的字符串,因为在 V8 中所有堆 objects 必须适合 Smi(小整数),(比照 this commit).

Why is there neither an error nor an exception?

那,可能是一个错误...正如我在链接的答案中也显示的那样,直接创建这样的字符串时我们会得到一个 RangeError:

const header = 24;
const bytes = new Uint8Array( (512 * 1024 * 1024) - header );
let txt = new TextDecoder().decode( bytes );
console.log( txt.length ); // 536870888
txt += "f"; // RangeError

并且在 FileReader::readOperation 的第 3 步中,UA 必须

If package data threw an exception error:

  • Set fr’s error to error.
  • Fire a progress event called error at fr.


const bytes = Uint32Array.from( { length: 600 * 1024 * 1024 / 4 }, (_) => Math.random() * 0xFFFFFFFF );
const blob = new Blob( [ bytes ] );
const fr = new FileReader();
fr.onerror = console.error;
fr.onload = (evt) => console.log( "success", fr.result.length, fr.error );
fr.readAsDataURL( blob );

我将打开一个关于此的问题,因为您应该能够处理来自 FileReader 的错误。

How can I fix or work around this issue?

最好的肯定是让你的 API end-point 直接接受二进制资源而不是 data:// URLs,无论如何都应该避免。

如果这不可行,“未来”的解决方案是 POST 一个 ReadableStream 到您的 end-point,然后进行 data:// URL 转换你自己,来自 Blob 的流。

class base64StreamEncoder {
  constructor( header ) {
    if( header ) {
      this.header = new TextEncoder().encode( header );
    this.tail = [];
  transform( chunk, controller ) {
    const encoded = this.encode( chunk );
    if( this.header ) {
      controller.enqueue( this.header );
      this.header = null;
    controller.enqueue( encoded );
  encode( bytes ) {
    let binary = Array.from( this.tail )
        .reduce( (bin, byte) => bin + String.fromCharCode( byte ), "" );
    const tail_length = bytes.length % 3;
    const last_index = bytes.length - tail_length;
    this.tail = bytes.subarray( last_index );
    for( let i = 0; i<last_index; i++ ) {
        binary += String.fromCharCode( bytes[ i ] );
    const b64String = window.btoa( binary );
    return new TextEncoder().encode( b64String );
  flush( controller ) {
    // force the encoding of the tail
    controller.enqueue( this.encode( new Uint8Array() ) );


现在,您必须将 base64 表示的块存储在 Blob 中,如 Endless 的回答所示。

但是请注意,由于这是 V8 的限制,即使是 server-side 也可能会遇到这么大的字符串问题,所以无论如何,您应该联系 API 的维护者。