
If statement is not working in my program

import time
name=input("Enter your name:")
currentTime = int(time.strftime('%H'))

if currentTime < 12 :
     print('Good morning,'+name)
elif currentTime > 12 :
     print('Good afternoon,'+name)
else :
     print('Good evening,'+name)

def main():
    import random
    guess: int = input('Enter a number the between 1 and 2 :')
    if guess <= "2":
        num: int = random.randint(1, 2)
        print("the number is ", num)
        if  num == guess:      #### this if statement is not working
            print('you won'
                  'your promote to level 2')
            print("You lost", ",Lets try again")
            repeat = input('Do you want to try again:')
            if repeat == "yes":
                print("Good bye")
        print("the number you entered is grater than 5,Please enter a number between 1 and 2")


此代码中的 if 语句不起作用(我在代码中突出显示了 if 语句)但是 else 语句对这两种情况都有效。

在你的代码中 guess 是类型 str,请阅读 input 的文档:

The function then reads a line from input, converts it to a string (stripping a trailing newline), and returns that

当您执行 guess: int 时,您使用的是 type hint。文档说:

The Python runtime does not enforce function and variable type annotations. They can be used by third party tools such as type checkers, IDEs, linters, etc.

在您的 if 中,您试图将 intstr 进行比较。 运行这个在Python控制台可以看到:

print(1 == '1') # --> False
print(1 == 1) # --> True

所以你需要做的就是将它显式转换为 int:

guess = int(input('Enter a number the between 1 and 2 :'))


if guess <= 2:

(删除 "2" 中的引号)。

通过这些更改,您的 if 语句将起作用。