cfm 页面中局部变量的范围?

Scope of a Local variable in a cfm page?

以下内容在 test.cfm 页面上:

        Local.myString = "Hello";

myString的范围是什么?它会在 cfm 页面的其他部分可见,还是仅在定义它的 <cfscript> 标签之间可见?

在函数外部,该赋值设置了一个变量 variables.local.myString,变量作用域的作用域规则有详细记录:About scopes: variables。来自文档:

The default scope for variables of any type that are created with the cfset and cfparam tags. A Variables scope variable is available only on the page on which it is created and any included pages (see also the Caller scope).Variables scope variables created in a CFC are available only to the component and its functions, and not to the page that instantiates the component or calls its functions.

