添加 Google 表单条目的批准步骤 ->Google Sheet/Doc

Adding approval step for Google Form entries ->Google Sheet/Doc

我希望将这个开放的 letter/Google 套件工作流程 (https://jeffreyeverhart.com/2020/05/18/open-letter-maker-with-google-forms-docs-and-apps-script/) 与需要某种形式批准的额外批准步骤结合起来(例如 Google Sheet,或者 Google Sheet 中的某种 edit/change)然后才会将信息转发给最终的 Google 文档。我已经能够使用 Jeffrey Everhart 的代码(见下文)成功设置 Google 表单 -> Google Sheet -> Google Doc 公开信工作流程获取 Google 表单信息并将其添加到表单提交时的 Google 文档中。但是我无法使脚本在 edit/on 更改触发器上工作,尽管我昨天一整天都在拔头发。那将是理想的,因为我可以简单地在 google sheet 中添加一个复选框“批准”列,它表示表单提交是否应该继续进行下一步以添加到 Google医生。有什么建议吗?

function appendSignatureRow(e) {

  //Since there could be a bunch of people submitting, we lock the script with each execution
  //with a 30 second timeout so nothing gets overwritten
  const lock = LockService.getScriptLock();

  //Here we read the variables from the form submission event
  const date = new Date(e.values[0]).toLocaleDateString();
  //of you can use toLocaleString method if you want the time in the doc
  const name = e.values[1];
  const affiliation = e.values[2];
  const country = e.values[3];

  //Next format those values as an array that corresponds to the table row layout
  //in your Google Doc
  const tableCells = [name, affiliation, country, date]

  //Next we open the letter and get its body
  const letter = DocumentApp.openById('INSERT ID HERE')
  const body = letter.getBody();

  //Next we get the first table in the doc and append an empty table row
  const table = body.getTables()[0]
  const tableRow = table.appendTableRow()

  //Here we loop through our table cells from above and add
  // a table cell to the table row for each piece of data
  tableCells.forEach(function(cell, index) {
    let appendedCell = tableRow.appendTableCell(cell)

  //here we save and close our letter and then release a lock 


Here's the Google Sheet format I'm using, 列 F 是我希望在编辑触发器上添加批准复选标记的列,然后触发脚本在“const letter = DocumentApp.openById('INSERT ID HERE')”行。

我是 Google 应用脚本的新手,非常感谢您的帮助!

如何使用 onFormSubmit 为 Google 表单中的每个条目添加复选框,并使用 onEdit 验证复选框并写入 Google 文档。

我在这里为 onFormSubmit 创建了一个函数,它将复选框附加到新条目并修改了 appendSignatureRow() 的某些部分并将其用作 onEdit 的函数如果条目被选中,触发写入 Google 文档。






function formSubmit(e){
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[0]; //get form response sheet
  var col = e.range.getLastColumn();
  var row = e.range.getLastRow();
  sheet.getRange(row, col+1).insertCheckboxes(); // add checkbox

function appendSignatureRow(e) {
  var sheetName = e.source.getSheetName(); //get sheet name
  var editedRow = e.range.getRow(); // get edited row number
  var editedCol = e.range.getColumn(); //get editer column number
  if(editedRow > 1 && editedCol == 6 && sheetName == 'Form Responses 1' && e.value == 'TRUE'){
    const lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
    var sheet = e.source.getSheetByName('Form Responses 1');
    var data = sheet.getRange(editedRow, 1, 1, editedCol -1).getValues()[0]; // get edited row data
    const date = new Date(data[0]).toLocaleDateString(); 
    const name = data[1];
    const affiliation = data[2];
    const country = data[3];

    const tableCells = [name, affiliation, country, date]

    const letter = DocumentApp.openById('Insert Docs ID here')
    const body = letter.getBody();

    const table = body.getTables()[0]
    const tableRow = table.appendTableRow()

    tableCells.forEach(function(cell, index) {

