Emacs Lisp 的第二个 child

Second child of an Emacs Lisp

有了这些给我的 emac lisp 定义,我需要得到 (defun operand (n ast)) 的正确结果。目前,第一个 child 像预期的那样工作,但对于第二个 child (操作数 (- n 1) (cadr ast)) 给出第二个 child 作为 (INT_LITERAL pos) 而不是 child 的其余部分 ((INT_LITERAL pos) (77))。不知道从这里去哪里。如您所见,我已经做了一些猜测和测试来修复我的解决方案,但还没有任何效果。根据我的理解,当我的结果为零时,这意味着该框架没有 parent 框架,但我不确定为什么它不打印出整个操作数。

(defun store (offset value alist)
"Insert the value for this offset, replacing the previous value (if any)."
   ((null alist)             (list (cons offset value)))    ; ((offset . value))
   ((eq offset (caar alist)) (cons (cons offset value) (cdr alist)))
   (t                        (cons (car alist)
                                   (store offset value (cdr alist))))

(defun lookup (offset alist)
"Return the value associated with this offset, or raise an error."
   ((null alist)             (user-error "UNINITIALISED %s" offset) (exit))
   ((eq (caar alist) offset) (cdar alist))
   (t                        (lookup offset (cdr alist)))

;;(setq a (store 1 19 (store 0 17 ())))
;; a
;; (setq a (store 2 20 a))
;; (setq a (store 1 29 a))
;; (lookup 3 ())
;; (lookup 3 a)
;;(lookup 1 a)

;;; Accessors for the various fields in an AST node

(defun position (ast)
"The position stored in an AST node"
(cadar ast)

(defun kind (ast)
(caar ast)

(defun operand (n ast)
;; Your code goes here.
(if (eq n 0)
      (caadr ast) ;;first child
    (operand (- n 1)(cadr ast)) ;;second child

;;(operand (- n 1)(cadr (cadr ast))) gives 77 (#o115, #x4d, ?M)
;;(operand (- n 1)(cadr ast)) gives (INT_LITERAL pos)
;;(operand (- n 1) (cadr (cddr ast))) gives nil
;;(operand (- n 1) (cdr (cadr ast))) gives nil
;; (operand (- n 1)(caddr ast)) gives nil
;;(operand (- n 1)(car ast)) gives wrong type argument listp, pos
;;(operand (- n 1)(cdr ast)) gives nil
;;cadadr, cadr, cadddr, cdadr, caddr, car, cdr

;; (setq ast '((PLUS pos) (( (VARIABLE pos) (b 1) ) ((INT_LITERAL pos) (77) ) ) ))
;; (kind ast) = PLUS
;; (position ast) = pos
;; (operand 0 at) = ((VARIABLE pos)(b 1))
;; (kind (operand 0 ast))= VARIABLE
;; (operand 1 ast)= supposed to equal ((INT_LITERAL pos) (77))
;; (kind (operand 1 ast)) = supposed to equal INT_LITERAL

你的问题不容易理解——我相信你可以将所有代码削减到 far 用于这些目的的更小的东西。

目前您正在递归调用 operand,但是 ast 数据不具有该递归所需的嵌套结构,因此事情很快就会崩溃。


(defun operand (n ast)
  (nth n (cadr ast)))