ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '$16.10' (I fixed the question I just need some help to lay off my question ban)

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '$16.10' (I fixed the question I just need some help to lay off my question ban)


class Money(object):
    def __init__(self, dollars=0, cents=0):
        self.dollars = dollars + cents//100
        self.cents = cents %100
    def __radd__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Money):
            other = other.cents + other.dollars * 100
        elif isinstance(other, int):
            other = other * 100
        elif isinstance(other, float):
            other = int(other * 100)
        money = int(other) + float(self.cents + self.dollars * 100)
        self.dollars = money // 100
        self.cents = money % 100
        return "$%d.%2d" %(self.dollars,self.cents)
def money_text_2():
    m1 = Money(3, 50)
    m2 = Money(2, 60)
    print(m1 == m2)
    print(m1 + m2)
    print(10 + m1 + m2)


money = int(other) + float(self.cents + self.dollars * 100)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '.10'

我花了过去 30 分钟试图找到一个没有结果的解决方案


我修复了 ValueError 和其他一些错误,添加了更多测试用例。

  • ValueError: 在你添加 10 和 m1 之后,你 return 一个像 .50 这样的字符串,它不能在你的 __radd__ 方法中传递任何 if 语句。所以你在 print(10 + m1 + m2) 中得到了一个 ValueError,你试图将一个字符串添加到 Money class。我将其修复为 return Money 实例和 __repr__ 以显示您想要的格式。
  • Moneyclass只得到了__radd__方法,无法通过m1 + 10 + m2这样的测试用例。我添加了__ladd__方法来处理它。
  • 此外,Money class 没有 __add__ 方法。我添加它来处理像 m1 + m2
  • 这样的测试用例
  • Money2 未定义错误。


class Money(object):
    def __init__(self, dollars=0, cents=0):
        self.dollars = dollars + cents//100
        self.cents = cents %100

    def add_func(self,other):
        if isinstance(other, Money):
            other = other.cents + other.dollars * 100
        elif isinstance(other, int):
            other = other * 100
        elif isinstance(other, float):
            other = int(other * 100)
        money = int(other) + float(self.cents + self.dollars * 100)
        return Money(money // 100,money % 100)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.add_func(other)

    def __ladd__(self,other):
        return self.add_func(other)

    def __radd__(self,other):
        return self.add_func(other)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "$%d.%2d" %(self.dollars,self.cents)

def money_text():
    m1 = Money(3, 50)
    m2 = Money(2, 60)
    print(m1 == m2)
    print(m1 + m2)
    print(m1 + 10 + m2)
    print(10 + m1 + m2)

    m3 = Money(1, 0)
    m4 = Money(0, 99)
    print(m3 + m4)
    print(1.5 + m3 + m4)


