如何 select 具有 ManyToMany 关系中的两个项目的行

How to select rows which have both items in ManyToMany relation


class News
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Domain\Entity\Vocabulary\Tag")
    private Collection $tags;


public function getList(
    array $tags = null,
): Query {
    if (null !== $tags) {
        $qb->andWhere('nt.id IN (:tags)');
        $qb->setParameter('tags', $tags);

问题是当我传递 ["Tag1", "Tag2"] 时,selects 新闻具有第一个标签或第二个标签,但不能同时具有这两个标签。我如何将查询重写为同时具有两个标签的 select 新闻?


对于学说注释,可以使用 ::class-常量:

use App\Domain\Entity\Vocabulary\Tag;

class News
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity=Tag::class)
    private Collection $tags;

如果 $tags 数组为空,则将抛出异常,因为空值集无效 SQL,至少在 mysql:

nt.id IN () # invalid!


使用SQL聚合函数COUNTGROUP BY我们可以统计所有新闻的标签数量。连同您对允许标签的条件,每个新闻的标签数量必须等于标签数组中的标签数量:

 * @var EntityManagerInterface
private $manager;


 * @param list<Tag> $tags - Optional tag filter // "list" is a vimeo psalm annotation.
 * @return list<News>
 public function getNews(array $tags = []): array 
    $qb = $this->manager
        ->from(News::class, 'news')

    if(!empty($tags)) {
        $tagIds = array_unique(
            array_map(static function(Tag $tag): int {
                return $tag->getId();
            }) // For performance reasons, give doctrine ids instead of objects.
        ); // Make sure duplicate tags are handled.

            ->join('news.tags', 'tag')
            ->where('tag IN (:tags)') 
            ->setParameter('tags', $tagIds) 
            ->addSelect('COUNT(tag) AS HIDDEN numberOfTags') 
            ->having('numberOfTags = :numberOfTags') 
            ->setParameter('numberOfTags', count($tags)) 

    return $qb