永久添加 bower 代理

Permanently add bower proxy

如何将 Bower 代理永久添加到我的系统中,这样我就不必为每个项目编辑 .bowerrc 文件并添加


我已将代理添加到我的 OS 中:

export HTTP_PROXY=http://<proxy_url>:<port>
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://<proxy_url>:<port>

但 seams bower 不明白。预先感谢您的回复

.bowerrc 文件放入您的主文件夹(它也适用于 Windows)。


Placement & Order

The config is obtained by merging multiple configurations by this order of importance:

  • CLI arguments via --config
  • Environment variables
  • Local .bowerrc located in the current working directory
  • All .bowerrc files upwards the directory tree
  • .bowerrc file located in user’s home folder (~)
  • .bowerrc file located in the global folder (/)

Example of CLI arguments:

  • --config.endpoint-parser=
  • --config.storage.cache=

Example of valid environment variables:

  • bower_endpoint_parser is evaluated as endpoint-parser
  • bower_storage__cache is evaluated as storage.cache