ValueAnimator Lint Error: This animation should be started with #start() [Recycle]

ValueAnimator Lint Error: This animation should be started with #start() [Recycle]

我在 init() 方法中创建 ValueAnimator,如下所示:

internal var animator: ValueAnimator? = null

open fun init() {
    animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(-1F, 2F)
    animator?.duration = ANIMATION_DURATION
    animator?.interpolator = LinearInterpolator()
    animator?.repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE
    animator?.repeatMode = ValueAnimator.REVERSE

我是 starting/stopping 它取决于视图的可见性:

override fun onVisibilityChanged(changedView: View, visibility: Int) {
    super.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility)
    when (visibility) {
        VISIBLE -> animator?.start()
        INVISIBLE, GONE -> animator?.cancel()

我收到以下 Lint 错误:

Error: This animation should be started with #start() [Recycle] animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(-1F, 2F) ~~~~~~~

Explanation for issues of type "Recycle": Many resources, such as TypedArrays, VelocityTrackers, etc., should be recycled (with a recycle() call) after use. This lint check looks for missing recycle() calls.

ValueAnimator 没有 recycle() 方法。每次我需要启动它时,我都尝试创建一个新的动画师,但我找不到一种方法来提供所需的属性,而不会出现此 Lint 错误。我该如何解决这个问题?

为避免 lint 错误,您可以在每次视图可见时创建一个值动画实例,如下所示:-

fun createAndStartAnim() {
     animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(-1F, 2F).apply {
             duration = ANIMATION_DURATION
             interpolator = LinearInterpolator()
             repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE
             repeatMode = ValueAnimator.REVERSE
             start() // this removes the lint error


fun cancelAndNullifyAnim() {
    animator = null


when (visibility) {
        VISIBLE -> createAndStartAnim()
        INVISIBLE, GONE -> cancelAndNullifyAnim()

The lint error should be gone if we start the value anim before accessing any other recyclable properties of it.