条形图:在 D3 v5 中排序时如何将数据与国家/地区对齐?

Bar chart: how could I align the data with countries when sorting in D3 v5?

我现在正尝试在条形图中对国家/地区的数据进行排序,但是当我按升序对数据进行排序时,数据和国家/地区之间没有对齐。 这是我编写的代码(我必须删除文件的某些部分,因为我的代码很长):

"use strict";

var third_width = 1000;
var third_height = 500;
var third_padding = 30;
var third_countries = ["Australia", "Austria", "Denmark", "Netherlands","New Zealand", "Norway", "Sweden", "UK","USA","Japan","Poland","Finland","Italy","France","Belgium"]
var third_data = [102, 39, 81, 50, 61, 79, 81, 77, 59, 64, 56, 65, 57, 85, 50];
// The value should be: Australia: 102; Austria: 39; and so on.

// Creating map between two arrays.
const buildMap = (third_countries, third_data) => {
   const map = new Map();
   for(let i = 0; i < third_countries.length; i++){
      map.set(third_countries[i], third_data[i]);
   return map;

var numValues = third_data.length;
var sortAscending = function() {
            .sort(function(a, b) {
                 return d3.ascending(a, b);
            .attr("x", function(d, i) {
               return third_xScale(i);

var sortDescending = function() {
            .sort(function(a, b) {
                 return d3.descending(a, b);
            .attr("x", function(d, i) {
                 return third_xScale(i);
                   return i /numValues * 1000;

d3.select("#sortascending").on("click", function() { 

d3.select("#sortdescending").on("click", function() { 

这是结果(如您所见,我排序前后的 x 轴相同)。 你们能帮我知道如何对齐 x 轴数据,以便国家在排序后与正确的数据对齐吗?



const sortCountries = (countries, values) => {
  let inputCountries = [...countries];
  let inputValues = [...values];
  const sortedValues = [...values].sort((a, b) => a - b);

  const sortedCountries = sortedValues.map(val => {
    const index = inputValues.findIndex(v => v === val);
    const country = inputCountries[index];
    inputValues = [...inputValues.slice(0, index), ...inputValues.slice(index + 1)]
    inputCountries = [...inputCountries.slice(0, index), ...inputCountries.slice(index + 1)]
    return country;
  return {sortedCountries, sortedValues};

const {sortedCountries, sortedValues} = sortCountries(third_countries, third_data);

现在,将代码中的 third_data 替换为 sortedValues,将 third_countries 替换为 sortedCountries。查看代码段中的结果(基于您之前的问题):

const sortCountries = (countries, values) => {
  let inputCountries = [...countries];
  let inputValues = [...values];
  const sortedValues = [...values].sort((a, b) => a - b);

  const sortedCountries = sortedValues.map(val => {
    const index = inputValues.findIndex(v => v === val);
    const country = inputCountries[index];
    inputValues = [...inputValues.slice(0, index), ...inputValues.slice(index + 1)]
    inputCountries = [...inputCountries.slice(0, index), ...inputCountries.slice(index + 1)]
    return country;
  return {sortedCountries, sortedValues};

const third_width = 1000;
const third_height = 450;
const third_padding = 30;
const third_countries = ["Australia", "Austria", "Denmark", "Netherlands","New Zealand", "Norway", "Sweden", "UK","USA","Japan","Poland","Finland","Italy","France","Belgium"]

const third_data = [102, 39, 81, 50, 61, 79, 81, 77, 59, 64, 56, 65, 57, 85, 50];

const {sortedCountries, sortedValues} = sortCountries(third_countries, third_data);

const third_xScale = d3.scaleBand()
  .rangeRound([third_padding ,third_width])

const third_yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
  .domain([0, d3.max(sortedValues)])
  .range([third_height - third_padding, third_padding]);
const third_xAxis = d3.axisBottom()
  .scale(third_xScale).tickFormat(function(i) {return sortedCountries[i];})

const third_yAxis = d3.axisLeft()

const third_svg = d3.select("#chart3")
  .attr("width", third_width)
  .attr("height", third_height);

  .attr("x", (d, i) => third_xScale(i))
  .attr('y', d => third_yScale(d))
  .attr("height", d => third_height - third_padding - third_yScale(d))
  .attr("width", third_xScale.bandwidth())
  .attr("fill", d => `rgb(0, 0, ${d * 2})`);

 //Create "Food waste per capita (kg/year)" on Y Axis
   .attr('x', 5)
   .attr('y', 20)
   .attr('text-anchor', 'left')
   .style('font-family', 'Helvetica')
   .style('font-size', 'small')
   .text('Food waste per capita (kg/year)');

   .attr("class", "axis")
   .attr("transform", "translate(" + third_padding + ",0)")

  .attr("class", "axis")
  .attr("transform", "translate(0,"+ (third_height - third_padding) + ")")
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/6.7.0/d3.min.js"></script>
<div id="chart3" />