没有因使用“lookupBlob”而产生的 (Git.Libgit2.HasLgRepo IO) 实例

No instance for (Git.Libgit2.HasLgRepo IO) arising from a use of ‘lookupBlob’

我正在尝试使用 gitlib 从 git 存储库中获取 HEAD 提交中所有文件的列表。这是我的代码:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module GitOperations where

import Git
import Git.Libgit2 (lgFactory, LgRepo(..) )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

repositoryOptions :: RepositoryOptions
repositoryOptions = RepositoryOptions { repoPath = ".git"
                                , repoWorkingDir = Just "."
                                , repoIsBare = False
                                , repoAutoCreate = True}
main :: IO ()
main = do
  repo <- openRepository lgFactory repositoryOptions
  runReaderT listHEADFiles repo

listHEADFiles:: ReaderT LgRepo IO ()
listHEADFiles = do 
  ref <- resolveReference $ T.pack "HEAD"
  case ref of
    Nothing -> fail $ "Could not resolve reference named 'HEAD'"
    Just reference -> do
      obj <- lookupObject reference
      case obj of
        CommitObj commit -> do 
          objects <- listAllObjects (Just $ commitOid commit) (commitOid commit)
          lift $ mapM_ (\o -> case o of BlobObjOid boOid -> do blob <- lookupBlob boOid; bc <- blobContents blob; case bc of BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs) objects
        _ -> fail $ "'HEAD' is not a commit object"


Main.hs:33:96: error:
    • Couldn't match kind ‘* -> *’ with ‘*’
      When matching types
        IO :: * -> *
        BlobContents :: (* -> *) -> *
      Expected type: IO (BlobContents m0)
        Actual type: BlobContents IO
    • In a stmt of a 'do' block: bc <- blobContents blob
      In the expression:
        do blob <- lookupBlob boOid
           bc <- blobContents blob
           case bc of { BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs }
      In a case alternative:
          BlobObjOid boOid
            -> do blob <- lookupBlob boOid
                  bc <- blobContents blob
                  case bc of { BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs }
33 |           lift $ mapM_ (\o -> case o of BlobObjOid boOid -> do blob <- lookupBlob boOid; bc <- blobContents blob; case bc of BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs) objects
   |                                                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.


请注意 git 存储库应至少包含一个提交才能使脚本正常工作。

UPD:根据@chi 的建议,我已将对 blobContents blob 的调用更改为非 monadic,但现在相关行看起来像 lift $ mapM_ (\o -> case o of BlobObjOid boOid -> do blob <- lookupBlob boOid; let bc = blobContents blob in case bc of BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs) objects,出现另一个错误,但我没有知道如何修复它:

Main.hs:33:72: error:
    • No instance for (Git.Libgit2.HasLgRepo IO)
        arising from a use of ‘lookupBlob’
    • In a stmt of a 'do' block: blob <- lookupBlob boOid
      In the expression:
        do blob <- lookupBlob boOid
           let bc = ... in case bc of { BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs }
      In a case alternative:
          BlobObjOid boOid
            -> do blob <- lookupBlob boOid
                  let ... in case bc of { BlobString bs -> ... }
33 |           lift $ mapM_ (\o -> case o of BlobObjOid boOid -> do blob <- lookupBlob boOid; let bc = blobContents blob in case bc of BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs) objects
   |                                                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.

我是 gitlib 的新手,现在我尝试在 haskell 中使用 git 做一些简单的事情,这让我不知所措。有谁知道如何使这段代码成功编译?

如果我发现 the correct documentation pageblobContents 看起来像一个非单子函数,所以你不能使用 bc <- blobContents blob。请改用 let bc = blobContents blob.

这与错误消息一致,错误消息指出实际类型未包装在 IO 下。

  Expected type: IO (BlobContents m0)
    Actual type: BlobContents IO

此外,您使用 lift 太早了:

lift $ mapM_ (\o -> case o of 
   BlobObjOid boOid -> do
      blob <- lookupBlob boOid
      let bc = blobContents blob
      case bc of BlobString bs -> BS.putStrLn bs
   ) objects

lift 中,您只能使用 IO 操作,不能使用需要 ReaderT LgRepo IO 的操作。要解决此问题,只需将 lift 向内移动:

mapM_ (\o -> case o of 
   BlobObjOid boOid -> do
      blob <- lookupBlob boOid
      let bc = blobContents blob
      case bc of BlobString bs -> lift $ BS.putStrLn bs
   ) objects