为什么在调用 openweathermap API 时出现 401 错误 "API Key missing"?

Why do I get a 401 error "API Key missing" when calling openweathermap API?

我试图用 OpenWeatherMap.org 制作 python 天气预报。但是,python 一直给我关于 API 键 的错误。它说它丢失了。

import requests

r = requests.get("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London&appid={API key}")

输出为401。我尝试输入 API 键,但仍然无效。 这个API密钥到底是什么?

{API key} 是您的 actual API 密钥的占位符,您可以从您的 openweathermap 帐户页面(这也意味着您需要先注册一个帐户)。它应该是这样的:

r = requests.get(f'https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London&appid={appid}')

打印 other parts of the Response object 会为您提供更多信息:

In [2]: r = requests.get("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London&appid={API key}")

In [3]: r.status_code
Out[3]: 401

In [6]: r.content
Out[6]: b'{"cod":401, "message": "Invalid API key. Please see http://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info."}'

位于http://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 would explain that you needed to provide a valid API key, and would lead you to their docs on how to use API keys的页面:

Example on how to make an API call using your API key

API call



appid required
Your unique API key (you can always find it on your account page under the "API key" tab)