获取 Jekyll 中两个日期之间的天数差异
Get the difference in days between two dates in Jekyll
我想获得 Jekyll 中两个日期之间的天数差异。我怎样才能做到这一点?
{% capture currentDate %}{{ site.time | date: '%Y-%m-%d' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture event_date %}{{ entry.date }}{% endcapture %}
{% if event_date < currentDate %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}
条目中有我的 YAML:
title: ChartLine C3
type: charts
description: Chart with round for prisma
id: c3-1
date: 2015-07-18
如果您只想知道 Front Matter 中的日期是否早于系统时间,那么您可以使用 ISO 8601 日期格式并依赖字典顺序。这有点作弊,但它适用于您提供的示例。
重要的是从您的 Front Matter(下例中的 page.past_date
和 page.future_date
)中捕获 site.time
和日期ISO 8601 格式才能使这个技巧起作用。
layout: default
past_date: 2015-03-02
future_date: 2016-03-02
{% capture currentDate %}{{ site.time | date: '%F' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture pastDate %}{{ page.past_date | date: '%F' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture futureDate %}{{ page.future_date | date: '%F' }}{% endcapture %}
<br>currentDate: {{currentDate}}
<br>PastDate earlier than currentDate? {% if pastDate < currentDate %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}
<br>FutureDate earlier than currentDate? {% if futureDate < currentDate %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}
currentDate: 2015-07-12
PastDate earlier than currentDate? Yes
FutureDate earlier than currentDate? No
你可以得到年份之间的差异,假设自 2000 年以来已经过去了多少年:
{{ site.time | date: '%Y' | minus:2000 }}
在 Liquid(Jekyll 的模板引擎)中执行此操作的方法很愚蠢:
{% assign today = site.time | date: '%s' %}
{% assign start = '20-01-2014 04:00:00' | date: '%s' %}
{% assign secondsSince = today | minus: start %}
{% assign hoursSince = secondsSince | divided_by: 60 | divided_by: 60 %}
{% assign daysSince = hoursSince | divided_by: 24 %}
Hours: {{hoursSince}}
Days: {{daysSince}}
Hours: 27780
Days: 1157
请注意,Liquid 的 divide_by
Remainder hours: {{hoursSince | modulo: 24}}
Remainder hours: 12
{% assign k = 10 %}
{% assign divisor = 24 %}
{% assign modulus = hoursSince | modulo: 24 | times: k | divided_by: divisor %}
向 k
我计算了当前日期与 post 日期之间的年差以呈现特定消息,并且效果很好:
{% assign currentYear = site.time | date: '%Y' %}
{% assign postYear = post.date | date: '%Y' %}
{% assign postAge = currentYear | minus: postYear | minus: 1 %}
{% if postAge >= 3 %}
<div class="maybe-obsolete">
This post has been published more than {{ postAge }} years ago, and parts
of its contents are very likely to be obsolete by now.
{% endif %}
我想获得 Jekyll 中两个日期之间的天数差异。我怎样才能做到这一点?
{% capture currentDate %}{{ site.time | date: '%Y-%m-%d' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture event_date %}{{ entry.date }}{% endcapture %}
{% if event_date < currentDate %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}
条目中有我的 YAML:
title: ChartLine C3
type: charts
description: Chart with round for prisma
id: c3-1
date: 2015-07-18
如果您只想知道 Front Matter 中的日期是否早于系统时间,那么您可以使用 ISO 8601 日期格式并依赖字典顺序。这有点作弊,但它适用于您提供的示例。
重要的是从您的 Front Matter(下例中的 page.past_date
和 page.future_date
)中捕获 site.time
和日期ISO 8601 格式才能使这个技巧起作用。
layout: default
past_date: 2015-03-02
future_date: 2016-03-02
{% capture currentDate %}{{ site.time | date: '%F' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture pastDate %}{{ page.past_date | date: '%F' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture futureDate %}{{ page.future_date | date: '%F' }}{% endcapture %}
<br>currentDate: {{currentDate}}
<br>PastDate earlier than currentDate? {% if pastDate < currentDate %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}
<br>FutureDate earlier than currentDate? {% if futureDate < currentDate %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %}
currentDate: 2015-07-12
PastDate earlier than currentDate? Yes
FutureDate earlier than currentDate? No
你可以得到年份之间的差异,假设自 2000 年以来已经过去了多少年:
{{ site.time | date: '%Y' | minus:2000 }}
至于两个日期之间的天数,那就更难了。最好的办法是查看插件: https://github.com/markets/jekyll-timeago
在 Liquid(Jekyll 的模板引擎)中执行此操作的方法很愚蠢:
{% assign today = site.time | date: '%s' %}
{% assign start = '20-01-2014 04:00:00' | date: '%s' %}
{% assign secondsSince = today | minus: start %}
{% assign hoursSince = secondsSince | divided_by: 60 | divided_by: 60 %}
{% assign daysSince = hoursSince | divided_by: 24 %}
Hours: {{hoursSince}}
Days: {{daysSince}}
Hours: 27780
Days: 1157
请注意,Liquid 的 divide_by
Remainder hours: {{hoursSince | modulo: 24}}
Remainder hours: 12
{% assign k = 10 %}
{% assign divisor = 24 %}
{% assign modulus = hoursSince | modulo: 24 | times: k | divided_by: divisor %}
向 k
我计算了当前日期与 post 日期之间的年差以呈现特定消息,并且效果很好:
{% assign currentYear = site.time | date: '%Y' %}
{% assign postYear = post.date | date: '%Y' %}
{% assign postAge = currentYear | minus: postYear | minus: 1 %}
{% if postAge >= 3 %}
<div class="maybe-obsolete">
This post has been published more than {{ postAge }} years ago, and parts
of its contents are very likely to be obsolete by now.
{% endif %}