什么是 DCPS,它与 DDS 有什么关系?

What is DCPS and what does it have to to with DDS?

在 OMG DDS 规范版本 1.4 中说

The DDS specification describes a Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe (DCPS) model for distributed application communication and integration.


  1. 什么是华府公立学校?
  2. DDS 总是使用 DCPS 吗?
  3. DCPS 是否用于其他标准?

从历史上看,DDS 和 DCPS 不是一回事。以下摘自2006年出版的version 1.2 of the DDS specification的介绍:

This specification describes two levels of interfaces:

  • A lower DCPS (Data-Centric Publish-Subscribe) level that is targeted towards the efficient delivery of the proper information to the proper recipients.
  • An optional higher DLRL (Data Local Reconstruction Layer) level, which allows for a simple integration of the Service into the application layer.


事实证明,与 DLRL 相比,用户在应用程序中更广泛地采用 DCPS,并且随着时间的推移,DDS 成为 DCPS 的代名词。 2015 年,OMG 发布了 DLRL as a specification on its own,从主要的 DDS 规范中分离出来。 DDS 规范中保留了原始首字母缩略词 DCPS。

如果您查看附件 A - the current version 1.4 of the DDS specification 的合规点,您会看到:

This specification includes the following compliance profiles.

  • Minimum profile: This profile contains just the mandatory features of DCPS. None of the optional features are included.

因此符合 DDS 的产品始终包含 DCPS 的强制性子集。

请注意,名称 DDS 可用于具体指示一个 DDS 规范,但也可用于指示 the whole ecosystem of DDS specifications -- 这取决于上下文。