通过 VB 脚本在启动时解析该 CSV

parse that CSV at launch via a VB script

我们将 vCenter 到 VM 的映射转储到全局可访问的某个 CSV(UNC 共享),并让 BGinfo 在启动时通过 VB 脚本解析该 CSV。

如果服务器名称匹配,则将 IP 地址分配给名为 VCenter 的变量(否则,分配零长度字符串):

option explicit
On Error GoTo 0

'You should use a SPLIT command !
Dim fso,objTextFile, strComputer
' get local computer name 
strComputer = CreateObject("Wscript.Network").ComputerName
set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
dim arrStr, filepath
filepath = "C:\BgInfo\vmdumps.csv"  
set objTextFile = fso.OpenTextFile(filepath)

Dim VCenter   ''' assign a variable this value
VCenter = ""
Do while NOT objTextFile.AtEndOfstream 
   arrStr = split(objTextFile.ReadLine,",")
   If UCase(Replace(arrStr(0),"""","")) = UCase(strComputer) Then 
      ' wscript.echo strComputer & " (VCenter) :" & arrStr(1)
      VCenter = Replace(arrStr(1),"""","")
      ' wscript.echo arrStr(0) & " : " & arrStr(1)
   End If 
If Not VCenter = "" Then
  ''' do something, e.g. demonstrate correct assignment
  wscript.echo strComputer & ": VCenter found at " & VCenter
  ''' do something else e.g. show that the variable is and empty string
  wscript.echo strComputer & ": VCenter not found" & VCenter
End If


示例 VCenter 未找到cscript D:\bat\SO533523.vbs

My-Server: VCenter found at

示例 VCenter 找到cscript D:\bat\SO533523.vbs

Xx-Server: VCenter not found