如果无法编译 Common Test 套件,则测试失败 运行

Fail test run if Common Test suite cannot be compiled

如果我的一个 Common Test 套件中出现语法错误,ct_run 只需等待 15 秒,然后继续。它显示此消息:


Failed to compile or locate one or more test suites
Press 'c' to continue or 'a' to abort.
Will continue in 15 seconds if no answer is given!





答案是 here. When ct_run encounters compilation error, it tries to ask you, whether you want to continue. continue/2 function does a dirty trick in order to determine if tests are run interactively. But you are able to cheat this function passing -noshell emulator option. In this case, continue/2 function will make decision 基于 -abort_if_missing_suites

所以,你需要ct_run -abort_if_missing_suites -erl_args -noshell