如何在 2021 年绕过 GMAIL 代理并制作跟踪像素?

How Can I bypass the GMAIL proxy and make a tracking pixel in 2021?

我想制作一个类似于 chrome 扩展 mailtrack 的程序。 它可以跟踪用户何时打开电子邮件,我也想这样做。

我在我的网络服务器上制作了一个图像,这样它就会在需要时打开并写入文件。 (例如跟踪像素)。
这不起作用,因为 google 代理并缓存图像;将 url 重写为 https://foo.googleusercontent.com/proxy/foobarfoobarfoobar#myoriginalurl.

这会导致请求不会发送到我的服务器,而是 googles.


如果不可能,好吧,但是上述 mailtrack 将如何工作?



$file = 'image.png';

$fp = fopen('log.log', 'a');

fwrite($fp, 'Opened' . PHP_EOL);

header('Content-Type: image/png');

When you send an email, Mailtrack automatically adds a tracking pixel (a really small image) to that email. Then, when it is opened the tracking pixel is downloaded and sends a call to our servers to let us know the mail has been opened.


Mailtrack is an email tracking tool. It tells you if your emails have been opened or not, and how many times, through its pixel-based tracking system.



import flask
import random

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def sig():
  print(f'Requested {random.randint(1,9999)}')
  return flask.send_file('images/sig.png', 'image/png')

app.run('', 8080)