为子级别设置 Azure Key Vault 的密钥
Settings keys to Azure Key Vault for sub-levels
对于用户机密管理,我在开发阶段使用用户机密,我想使用 Azure Key Vault 进行发布和暂存。
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "MySecretConnectionString"
"SmtpSettings": {
"SmtpMailServer": "smtp.mailserver.somewhere",
"SmtpPort": "465",
"SenderLogin": "login",
"SenderDisplayName": "Site ",
"SenderPassword": "password",
"SenderEmail": "site@mailserver.somewhere",
"SecureSocketSettings": "SslOnConnect"
当我想在 Azure 密钥保管库中设置 ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection
或 SmtpSettings:SenderPassword
有什么方法可以为嵌套属性分配和使用值吗? 例如,就像我对用户机密所做的那样
dotnet user-secrets set "SmtpSettings:SenderPassword" "########" --project MyProject
但对于 Azure 密钥保管库
az keyvault secret set --name "SmtpSettings:SenderPassword" --value "######" --vault-name MyProjectVault
:不允许,Parameter 'secret_name' must conform to the following pattern: '^[0-9a-zA-Z-]+$'.
您应该按照 documentation
中所述使用 --
Azure Key Vault secret names are limited to alphanumeric characters
and dashes. Hierarchical values (configuration sections) use -- (two
dashes) as a delimiter, as colons aren't allowed in key vault secret
names. Colons delimit a section from a subkey in ASP.NET Core
configuration. The two-dash sequence is replaced with a colon when the
secrets are loaded into the app's configuration.
az keyvault secret set --name "SmtpSettings--SenderPassword" --value "######" --vault-name MyProjectVault
对于用户机密管理,我在开发阶段使用用户机密,我想使用 Azure Key Vault 进行发布和暂存。 我有这个配置
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "MySecretConnectionString"
"SmtpSettings": {
"SmtpMailServer": "smtp.mailserver.somewhere",
"SmtpPort": "465",
"SenderLogin": "login",
"SenderDisplayName": "Site ",
"SenderPassword": "password",
"SenderEmail": "site@mailserver.somewhere",
"SecureSocketSettings": "SslOnConnect"
当我想在 Azure 密钥保管库中设置 ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection
或 SmtpSettings:SenderPassword
有什么方法可以为嵌套属性分配和使用值吗? 例如,就像我对用户机密所做的那样
dotnet user-secrets set "SmtpSettings:SenderPassword" "########" --project MyProject
但对于 Azure 密钥保管库
az keyvault secret set --name "SmtpSettings:SenderPassword" --value "######" --vault-name MyProjectVault
:不允许,Parameter 'secret_name' must conform to the following pattern: '^[0-9a-zA-Z-]+$'.
您应该按照 documentation
Azure Key Vault secret names are limited to alphanumeric characters and dashes. Hierarchical values (configuration sections) use -- (two dashes) as a delimiter, as colons aren't allowed in key vault secret names. Colons delimit a section from a subkey in ASP.NET Core configuration. The two-dash sequence is replaced with a colon when the secrets are loaded into the app's configuration.
az keyvault secret set --name "SmtpSettings--SenderPassword" --value "######" --vault-name MyProjectVault