
Values of List of checkboxes not posted during submit

我设法显示了 2 行复选框,第 2 行最初在 cshtml 视图中被选中。但是在我更改视图上的选择并提交后,发布的数据并没有反映当前的选择。它仍然显示页面构建时的初始状态。请帮忙谢谢


public class Check
    public List<CheckModel> chkList = new List<CheckModel>()
        new CheckModel("1",false),
        new CheckModel("2",true)

public class CheckModel
    public string name{get;set;}

    public bool choice{get;set;}

    public CheckModel(string nn, bool bb)



@model 检查

@using (Html.BeginForm("abcde","主页", FormMethod.Post)) {

    @for(int i=0; i < Model.chkList.Count;i++)
            input type="checkbox" asp-for=@Model.chkList[i].choice/>@Model.chkList[i].name

<input type="submit" value="submit"/>


Homecontroller.cs :

public IActionResult abcde(Check c)
    return Ok();

chkList 应该是 属性

public class Check
    public List<CheckModel> chkList { get; set; } = new List<CheckModel>()
        new CheckModel("1",false),
        new CheckModel("2",true)

public class CheckModel
    public string name { get; set; }

    public bool choice { get; set; }

    public CheckModel(string nn, bool bb)
        name = nn;
        choice = bb;

    public CheckModel()
