Latex 定义列表语言

Latex Define Language for Listing

我在为 Latex 列表定义自己的语言时遇到问题:


\definecolor{sh_comment}{rgb}{0.12, 0.38, 0.18 } 
\definecolor{sh_keyword}{rgb}{0.37, 0.08, 0.25}  
\definecolor{sh_string}{rgb}{0.06, 0.10, 0.98} 

% Define Language RPG
  % list of keywords
    extproc, export, dcl-pi, end-pi, dcl-pr, end-pr, dcl-proc, end-proc, dcl-s, dcl-c, dcl-ds
  sensitive=false, % keywords are not case-sensitive
  morecomment=[l]{//}, % l is for line comment
  morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, % s is for start and end delimiter
  morestring=[b]', % defines that strings are enclosed in double quotes
  commentstyle=\color{sh_comment}, % style of comments
  keywordstyle=[1]\color{sh_keyword}, % style of keywords
  stringstyle=\color{sh_string}, % style of strings
% Set Language
  basicstyle=\small\ttfamily, % Global Code Style
  captionpos=b, % Position of the Caption (t for top, b for bottom)
  extendedchars=true, % Allows 256 instead of 128 ASCII characters
  tabsize=2, % number of spaces indented when discovering a tab 
  columns=fixed, % make all characters equal width
  keepspaces=true, % does not ignore spaces to fit width, convert tabs to spaces
  showstringspaces=false, % lets spaces in strings appear as real spaces
  breaklines=true, % wrap lines if they don't fit
  frame=trbl, % draw a frame at the top, right, left and bottom of the listing
  frameround=tttt, % make the frame round at all four corners
  framesep=4pt, % quarter circle size of the round corners
  numbers=left, % show line numbers at the left
  numberstyle=\tiny\ttfamily, % style of the line numbers
  literate=% Allow for German characters in lstlistings.



// this is some Comment
dcl-c RPDV9999_ERROR_ONE '10';
dcl-c RPDV9999_ERROR_TWO '11';


此外,Latex 会抛出很多这些错误:



最小可编译版本: test.tex:

paper=A4,         % alle weiteren Papierformat einstellbar
fontsize=11pt,    % Schriftgröße (12pt, 11pt (Standard))
BCOR12mm,         % Bindekorrektur, bspw. 1 cm
DIV14,            % breiter Satzspiegel
parskip=half*,    % Absatzformatierung s. scrguide 3.1
headsepline,      % Trennline zum Seitenkopf  
%footsepline,     % Trennline zum Seitenfuß
%normalheadings,  % Überschriften etwas kleiner (smallheadings)
listof=totoc,     % Tabellen & Abbildungsverzeichnis ins Inhaltsverzeichnis      
%bibtotoc,        % Literaturverzeichnis im Inhalt 
%draft            % Überlangen Zeilen in Ausgabe gekennzeichnet
footinclude=false,% Fußzeile in die Satzspiegelberechnung einbeziehen 
headinclude=true, % Kopfzeile in die Satzspiegelberechnung einbeziehen 
final             % draft beschleunigt die Kompilierung

%\setuptoc{toc}{totoc} % Inhaltsverzeichnis ins Inhaltsverzeichnis

% Neue Deutsche Rechtschreibung und Deutsche Standardtexte

% Umlaute können verwendet werden

% Echte Umlaute

% Latin Modern Font, Type1-Schriftart für nicht-englische Texte

\definecolor{sh_comment}{rgb}{0.12, 0.38, 0.18 } 
\definecolor{sh_keyword}{rgb}{0.37, 0.08, 0.25}  
\definecolor{sh_string}{rgb}{0.06, 0.10, 0.98} 

% Define Language RPG
  % list of keywords
    extproc, export, dcl-pi, end-pi, dcl-pr, end-pr, dcl-proc, end-proc, dcl-s, dcl-c, dcl-ds
  sensitive=false, % keywords are not case-sensitive
  morecomment=[l]{//}, % l is for line comment
  morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, % s is for start and end delimiter
  morestring=[b]', % defines that strings are enclosed in double quotes
  commentstyle=\color{sh_comment}, % style of comments
  keywordstyle=[1]\color{sh_keyword}, % style of keywords
  stringstyle=\color{sh_string}, % style of strings
% Set Language
  basicstyle=\small\ttfamily, % Global Code Style
  captionpos=b, % Position of the Caption (t for top, b for bottom)
  extendedchars=true, % Allows 256 instead of 128 ASCII characters
  tabsize=2, % number of spaces indented when discovering a tab 
  columns=fixed, % make all characters equal width
  keepspaces=true, % does not ignore spaces to fit width, convert tabs to spaces
  showstringspaces=false, % lets spaces in strings appear as real spaces
  breaklines=true, % wrap lines if they don't fit
  frame=trbl, % draw a frame at the top, right, left and bottom of the listing
  frameround=tttt, % make the frame round at all four corners
  framesep=4pt, % quarter circle size of the round corners
  numbers=left, % show line numbers at the left
  numberstyle=\tiny\ttfamily, % style of the line numbers
  literate=% Allow for German characters in lstlistings.


test.rpgle(utf-8 文件):

// this is some Comment
dcl-c RPDV9999_ERROR_ONE '10';
dcl-c RPDV9999_ERROR_TWO '11';

// more comments
// Some Umlauts äüöÜÖÄß
dcl-pr somePr ind extproc('sth');
    sth char(3) const;


问题是关键字中的 -,但您可以告诉您的新语言将其视为普通字母:



% Define Language RPG
  % list of keywords
  keywordstyle=\color{red}, % style of keywords
% Set Language


// this is some Comment
dcl-c RPDV9999_ERROR_ONE '10';
dcl-c RPDV9999_ERROR_TWO '11';
