Apps 脚本 - 将附件添加到电子邮件确认

Apps Script - add attachment to emailconfirmation

使用此脚本,我根据工作表中的某些字段发布了两封不同的电子邮件(索引 1 或索引 2),但我需要从 google 驱动器添加一个 .docx 文件作为已发布电子邮件的附件

这是我目前拥有的脚本,它正在运行我只需要从 google 驱动器添加 docx 作为附件文件。请帮助

//Pulling all data from spreadsheet variables
var SpreadsheetID = "sheet id";
var SheetName = "namesheet";
var now = new Date();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SpreadsheetID)
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(SheetName);
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues();
function project_Notification() {
 Logger.log(sheet.getLastRow() + " Is the last Row.");
 for (var row = 1; row < sheet.getLastRow(); row++) {
   var Notification = (data[row][12])
   var Email_sent = (data[row][13])
   var Admin_email = (data[row][5])
   if (Notification == "Yes" && Email_sent == "" && Admin_email != "") {
     SendEmailConfirmation(data[row][5], data[row][1], data[row][14], data[row][3], data[row][6], data[row][9], data[row][10], data[row][11])
     var Notification_cell = sheet.getRange("N" + (row + 1));
     Logger.log("N" + (row + 1))
     var Today = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "dd/MM/yyyy");
function SendEmailConfirmation(email, Company, Admin_Name, Manager_Email, Landing_Page, QL_code, QL_url, PS_code) {
 if (email != "" && Landing_Page != "") {
     var admin = {
       "name": Admin_Name,
       "company": Company,
       "landingPage": Landing_Page,
       "QLcode": QL_code,
       "QLurl": QL_url,
       "PScode": PS_code
     var html1 = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Index1.html'); =;
       html1.comp =;
       html1.landingPage = admin.landingPage;
       html1.qlcode = admin.QLcode;
       html1.qlurl = admin.QLurl;
     var html2 = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Index2.html'); =;
       html2.comp =;
       html2.landingPage = admin.landingPage;
       html2.qlcode = admin.QLcode;
       html2.qlurl = admin.QLurl;
       html2.pscode = admin.PScode;
     var aliases = GmailApp.getAliases();
     if (aliases.length > 0 && Landing_Page == "Product1") {
       GmailApp.sendEmail(email, "Get started with your trial on Product1", '', {
         'from': "",
         replyTo: "",
         cc: Manager_Email,
         htmlBody: html1.evaluate().getContent()
     } else if (Landing_Page == "Product2") {
       GmailApp.sendEmail(email, "Get started with your trial on Product2", '', {
         'from': "",
         replyTo: "",
         cc: Manager_Email,
         htmlBody: html2.evaluate().getContent()
     else {
       GmailApp.sendEmail("", 'Script error', 'Please check the Products overview sheet for errors.');
//Send email for a confirmation that the script run correctly

如何使用 Apps 脚本通过电子邮件从云端硬盘发送附件。

GmailApp.sendEmail() 有一个 attachments 高级参数。参数为:

GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient, subject, plainTextBody, options);


GmailApp.sendEmail(email, "Get started with your trial on Product1", '', {
         'from': "",
         replyTo: "",
         cc: Manager_Email,
         htmlBody: html1.evaluate().getContent()

options 中,您可以使用许多高级参数。您正在使用:

         'from': "",
         replyTo: "",
         cc: Manager_Email,
         htmlBody: html1.evaluate().getContent()

为此您可以添加 attachments 参数作为 BlobSource 的列表。

要从 Drive 文件中获取 blob 源,您需要获取此文件的 ID,一旦有了它,您就可以像这样获取 blob:

const file = DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID]")
const blob = file.getBlob()

当您将它传递给 sendEmail 时,请记住将其包含在 array 个 blob 中,如下所示:

const file = DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID]")
const blob = file.getBlob()
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, "Get started with your trial on Product1", '', {
         'from': "",
         replyTo: "",
         cc: Manager_Email,
         htmlBody: html1.evaluate().getContent(),
         attachments: [blob]



const file1 = DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID1]")
const file2 = DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID2]")
const blob1 = file1.getBlob()
const blob2 = file2.getBlob()
GmailApp.sendEmail(email, "Get started with your trial on Product1", '', {
         'from': "",
         replyTo: "",
         cc: Manager_Email,
         htmlBody: html1.evaluate().getContent(),
         attachments: [blob1, blob2]
