当我的对象即将被 Node 中的 GC 收集时,我可以得到回调吗?

Can I get a callback when my object is about to get collected by GC in Node?

在其他语言中,有终结器(也称为析构器),当对象即将被 GC 回收时调用。这对于检测与对象生命周期相关的某些类型的错误非常有用。

有没有办法在 NodeJS 上实现这种行为——在 JS 级别,而不是通过本机接口?


FinalizationRegistry 允许您在垃圾回收对象时指定回调。


class foo {
    constructor(id) {
        this.id = id;
        const goodbye = `finalize: id: ` + id;
        this.finalize = () =>  console.log(goodbye);

function garbageCollect() {
    try {
        console.log("garbageCollect: Collecting garbage...")
    } catch (e) {
        console.log(`You must expose the gc() method => call using 'node --expose-gc app.js'`);

let foos = Array.from( { length: 10 }, (v, k) => new foo(k + 1));

const registry = new FinalizationRegistry(heldValue => heldValue());

foos.forEach(foo => registry.register(foo, foo.finalize));

// Orphan our foos...
foos = null;

// Our foos should be garbage collected since no reference is being held to them

您需要在 Node.js 中公开 gc 函数以允许此代码工作,这样调用:

node --expose-gc app.js