当一个人点击网页上的后退按钮时,Riverpod 给出了一个错误的状态异常

Riverpod giving a bad state exception when one hits back button on webpage

当我点击他们网页上的后退按钮时,我在我的 StateNotifiers 中收到这个错误。我已将其隔离到 longRunningAPI 请求下方的位置。

Exception has occurred.
"Error: Bad state: Tried to use RunListNotifier after `dispose` was called.


final runListController = StateNotifierProvider.autoDispose
    .family<RunListNotifier, AsyncValue<List<Run>>, RunListParameter>(
        (ref, param) {
  return RunListNotifier(read: ref.read, param: param);

class RunListNotifier extends StateNotifier<AsyncValue<List<Run>>> {
  RunListNotifier({required this.read, required this.param})
      : super(AsyncLoading()) {

  final Reader read;
  final RunListParameter param;
  void fetchViaAPI(RunListParameter param) async {
    state = AsyncLoading();
    try {
      List<Run> stuff = await read(apiProvider).longRunningAPI(param: param);
      state = AsyncData(stuff);
    } catch (e) {
      state = AsyncError(e);


    } catch (e) {
      if (e.runtimeType.toString() == 'StateError') {
         // ignore the error
      } else {
         state = AsyncError(e);

我相信您可以通过在 API 调用之后设置状态之前检查 mounted 来解决这个问题,如下所示:

List<Run> stuff = await read(apiProvider).longRunningAPI(param: param);
if (!mounted) return;
state = AsyncData(stuff);

这只是检查是否调用了 dispose,如果调用了,请不要尝试修改状态。

另一个可能有用的资源是在您的 API 调用中添加 cancelToken 并在提供商被处置时取消。

final longRunningApi = FutureProvider.autoDispose.family<List<Run>, RunListParameter>((ref, param) async {
  final cancelToken = CancelToken();

  final api = await ref.watch(apiProvider);
  final res = await api.longRunningApi(param, cancelToken);
  ref.maintainState = true;
  return res;

然后您必须将 cancelToken 添加到您的实际请求中。 marvel example project by the author of Riverpod can be found here.
