从 CLI 删除 CodeArtifact 版本
Deleting CodeArtifact versions from CLI
我的包名称中有一个特殊字符 (@
aws codeartifact delete-package-versions --domain my-domain --repo npm-store --format npm --package @org/some-package-name --versions 0.5.1 0.3.1
CLI 错误:
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DeletePackageVersions operation: 1 validation error detected: Value '@org/some-package-name' at 'packageName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [^!#/\s]+
使用 --namespace
标志并从组织名称中删除 @
aws codeartifact delete-package-versions --domain my-domain --repo npm-store --format npm --namespace org --package some-package-name --versions 0.5.1 0.5.2
对于 Python 个模块:
aws codeartifact delete-package-versions --domain codeflex --repo codeartifact --format pypi --package helloworld --versions 0.0.3
我的包名称中有一个特殊字符 (@
aws codeartifact delete-package-versions --domain my-domain --repo npm-store --format npm --package @org/some-package-name --versions 0.5.1 0.3.1
CLI 错误:
An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DeletePackageVersions operation: 1 validation error detected: Value '@org/some-package-name' at 'packageName' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [^!#/\s]+
使用 --namespace
标志并从组织名称中删除 @
aws codeartifact delete-package-versions --domain my-domain --repo npm-store --format npm --namespace org --package some-package-name --versions 0.5.1 0.5.2
对于 Python 个模块:
aws codeartifact delete-package-versions --domain codeflex --repo codeartifact --format pypi --package helloworld --versions 0.0.3