Error: "zone": conflicts with availability_set_id - Azure - Terraform
Error: "zone": conflicts with availability_set_id - Azure - Terraform
我们在 Azure 上有一些 Linux 个集群(每个集群两台机器)运行,我们希望在不同的区域中创建集群的每个节点并使用可用性集。
我们正在尝试使用 Terraform 在 Azure 上创建 VM:
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "move-az-test" {
count = "1"
name = "move-az-test01"
location = var.azure_location_short
resource_group_name =
size = "Standard_B1S"
zone = 1
computer_name = "move-az01"
disable_password_authentication = true
admin_username = var.os_user
admin_password = var.os_password
availability_set_id =
network_interface_ids = []
source_image_reference {
publisher = "OpenLogic"
offer = "CentOS"
sku = "7.6"
version = "latest"
os_disk {
name = "move-az-test0_OsDisk"
caching = "ReadWrite"
disk_size_gb = "128"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
但我们收到消息错误:错误:“区域”:与 availability_set_id
简短的回答是 availability set and the availability zone 不能同时存在。您可以更深入地了解它们。前者在VM的逻辑分组中,后者提高了物理区域的可用性。
我们在 Azure 上有一些 Linux 个集群(每个集群两台机器)运行,我们希望在不同的区域中创建集群的每个节点并使用可用性集。
我们正在尝试使用 Terraform 在 Azure 上创建 VM:
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine" "move-az-test" {
count = "1"
name = "move-az-test01"
location = var.azure_location_short
resource_group_name =
size = "Standard_B1S"
zone = 1
computer_name = "move-az01"
disable_password_authentication = true
admin_username = var.os_user
admin_password = var.os_password
availability_set_id =
network_interface_ids = []
source_image_reference {
publisher = "OpenLogic"
offer = "CentOS"
sku = "7.6"
version = "latest"
os_disk {
name = "move-az-test0_OsDisk"
caching = "ReadWrite"
disk_size_gb = "128"
storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
但我们收到消息错误:错误:“区域”:与 availability_set_id
冲突简短的回答是 availability set and the availability zone 不能同时存在。您可以更深入地了解它们。前者在VM的逻辑分组中,后者提高了物理区域的可用性。