在某些 iOS 台设备中无法连接到 BLE 外围设备

Can't connect to BLE Peripheral in some iOS devices

BLE 在 7 Plus (iOS 14.4.2) 和 6 (iOS 12) 上运行良好。但是在 XR (14.4.2) 上,11 连接卡在 centralManager.connect(peripheral, options: nil)(无限连接)


外设处于连接模式,因为其他智能手机无法检测到它。 一开始以为是外围设备本身的radio模块(NRF52)的问题,但是调试板也出现了问题。 重新启动智能手机没有帮助。 有趣的是,该应用程序在配备 M1 芯片的 MacBook 上运行良好


// Peripheral model

init(withPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, advertisementData advertisementDictionary: [String : Any], andRSSI currentRSSI: NSNumber, using manager: CBCentralManager) {
    centralManager = manager
    basePeripheral = peripheral
    RSSI = currentRSSI
    advertisedName = parseAdvertisementData(advertisementDictionary)
    basePeripheral.delegate = self

public func connect() {
    centralManager.delegate = self
    centralManager.connect(basePeripheral, options: nil)
    print("Connecting to \(advertisedName ?? "device")...") 
// logs stops here

public func disconnect() {
    print("Cancelling connection with \(advertisedName ?? "device")...")
// triggers on VC dismiss

func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
    if central.state != .poweredOn {
        print("Central Manager stated changed to \(central.state)")

func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
    if peripheral == basePeripheral {
        print("Connected to \(advertisedName ?? "device")")

func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) {
    if peripheral == basePeripheral {
        print("Disconnected from \(advertisedName ?? "device")")


鉴于您列为工作和不工作的手机,我预计您的开发板在蓝牙 5 方面存在问题(iPhone 8 首次支持蓝牙 5)。 NRF52 支持 BT5(它支持 5.2),但如果您编写了自己的固件,则可能会破坏支持。首先,我要确保您是 运行 最原始的北欧代码。