在 Lua 中仅使用正则表达式替换整个单词

Substituting whole words only using Regex in Lua

我正在制作一个可以正确解决用户性别问题的程序。所以它应该将 he 的每个实例替换为 she ,反之亦然。

问题是这也会替换 he 里面的单词,例如 themtheirhelp... 这就是我卡住的地方。

local str = "the he he's hell"

str = str:gsub("he", "she") --tried my best, not the correct solution!

print(str) --expecting "the she she's hell"



str = str:gsub("%a+", {he = "she", she = "he"})

%a+ 匹配一个或多个基本上是单词的字母。该匹配项被相应的 table 条目替换或保持不变。



About the second param. I couldn't find any documentation about this. Do you have any?

不确定您在哪里寻找文档,但 Lua Manual 说:

string.gsub (s, pattern, repl [, n])


If repl is a table, then the table is queried for every match, using the first capture as the key.