是否可以链接元运算符来计算 Raku 中两个列表的乘积和?

Is it possible to chain metaoperators to calculate the product-sum of two lists in Raku?

我正在学习 Raku,有些事情让我感到困惑。


@a Z*[+] @b


使用 [+] @a Z* @b 表单按预期工作

> my @a = 2...6;
[2 3 4 5 6]
> my @b = 5...1;
[5 4 3 2 1]
> @a Z @b;
((2 5) (3 4) (4 3) (5 2) (6 1))
> @a Z* @b;
(10 12 12 10 6)
> [+] @a Z* @b

但是当我将 Z*[+] 链接在一起时它不喜欢它

> @a Z*[+] @b
> @a Z*+ @b                           
> @a +Z* @b
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling:
Undeclared name:
    Z used at line 1

> @a +[Z*] @b
> @a [Z*]+ @b
> @a [Z*][+] @b

我想这里会发生一些优先级问题,但在 Raku 文档中找不到足够的示例。

我也发现了 >>*<< 无法解释的行为:

> [+] @a >>*<< @b
> @a [+][>>*<<] @b
> @a [>>*<<][+] @b
Lists on either side of non-dwimmy hyperop of infix:<*> are not of the same length while recursing
left: 5 elements, right: 1 elements
  in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1


Is it possible to evaluate the product-sum of two lists in this way?



  • 可以编写从右到左链接的 Raku 代码,但我们将坚持从左到右。

  • 从左到右的英语阅读你所谓的“产品总和”将是“sum of products 这些 列表 的元素”。所以我们想要左边的总和,接下来的产品,最后的列表。

有内建的sum,没有内建的product,所以我们需要处理后者。一种方法是将 [Z*] 写成 reduction(这意味着它必须出现在它减少的列表的左侧)。另一种是写一个新的product函数。


say [+] [Z*]             @a, @b;  # 50  (closest to what it seems you want)
say sum [Z*]             @a, @b;  # 50  (`sum` is idiomatic)
say sum zip :with(&[*]), @a, @b;  # 50  (some prefer `zip :with(&[*])` over `[Z*]`)
say sum product          @a, @b;  # 50  (requires a user defined `sub`)

sub product (|lists) { zip :with(&[*]), |lists }



say [+] @a  Z*   @b;      # 50    (using infix sequential shallow zip metaop)
say [+] @a >>*<< @b;      # 50    (using infix parallel nesting hyper metaop)

say sum @a  Z*   @b;      # 50    (replacing `sum` with `[+]` reduction)
say sum @a >>*<< @b;      # 50

What's happening across the different chained variants to cause results like 6, (10), (30) and 125?

Raku 正确地执行了您的代码所表达的内容。

以下代码示例解释了所有 code/results @Zaid 共享的内容。您(任何 reader,而不仅仅是 @Zaid)可能需要做一些工作才能理解原因;如果您无法弄清楚这些示例如何解释 Zaid 的一个或多个结果,请发表评论,我很乐意在评论中进行解释 and/or 更新此答案并感谢您的 question/comment .

say my @a = 2...6;          # [2 3 4 5 6]
say my @b = 5...1;          # [5 4 3 2 1]

say [+] [5,4,3,2,1];        # 15
                            # Same as:
say sum @b;                 # 15

say 2           Z* 15;      # (30)
                            # zip stops once shortest list exhausted, so same as:
say [2,3,4,5,6] Z* 15;      # (30)

say +@b;                    # 5
                            # `+` coerces argument(s) to number, so short for:
say elems @b;               # 5
                            # Same as:
say elems [5,4,3,2,1];      # 5

say 2 Z* 5;                 # (10)

#say +foo;                  # Error while compiling: Undeclared ... foo
                            # Same effect as:
#say foo;                   # Error while compiling: Undeclared ... foo

say [Z*] @b;                # (120)
                            # Same as:
say 5 Z* 4 Z* 3 Z* 2 Z* 1;  # (120)

say @a [Z*] 5;              # (10)
                            # square brackets redundant, and
                            # zip stops once shortest list exhausted, so same as:
say 2   Z*  5;              # (10)

say [+] @a >>*<< @b;        # 50

say [>>*<<] @b;             # 120
                            # hypers redundant if both args scalars, so same as:
say   [*]   [5,4,3,2,1];    # 120
                            # (5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1)

say @a [+] [>>*<<] @b;      # 125
                            # square brackets round infix `+` redundant, so same as:
say @a  +  [>>*<<] @b;      # 125
                            # hypers redundant if both args scalars, so same as:
say 5   +    [*]   @b;      # 125      (5 + 120)

say @a [>>*<<][+]  @b;      # Same as:
say @a [>>*<<] [+] @b;      #
say @a [>>*<<] sum @b;      #
say @a  >>*<<  sum @b;      #
#say @a  >>*<<  15;         # Lists on either side ... not of the same length