Django 信号:检查 ManyToManyField 中的数据是否为 ​​change/updated

Django signals: Check if the data inside of ManyToManyField is change/updated

如何在仍然访问放置 manytomanyfield 的主模型的同时检查 ManyToManyField 中的对象是否发生更改或更新。

class Student:
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=False)
    age = models.IntegerField(default=0, null=True, blank=False)

class Room:
    students = models.ManyToManyField(Student,  related_name="list_of_students")

我尝试了 m2m_changed,但只有当 students 字段上有新的 added/updated/deleted 时,它才会收到这些信号。

我想获取 Room 模型,其中学生在 students 字段中被选中。

s1 = Student.objects.first() = "John Doe"
'''prints the data with Room model on it.'''

您可以为 Student 模型使用 pre_savepost_save 信号,访问所有 rooms 并进行一些逻辑处理。

@receiver(post_save, sender=Student)
def handle_student_changes(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if created: # check if new instance created and exit if yes
    rooms = instance.list_of_students.all() # get all rooms for student
    print(rooms) # or make some other logic

PS students 中的 related_name m2m 字段可能应命名为 roomsstudents_rooms