如果我们在使用 google 翻译器 API 的同时删除 "powered by Google",是否违反了 Google 的条款和条件?

If we remove "powered by Google" while using google translator API, violates the T&C of Google?

如果我们在使用 google 翻译器 API 时删除“由 Google 提供支持”,是否违反了 Google 的条款和条件?在attribution requirements中给出了,但我不确定这样做是否合法。

您需要离开您接受的条款中的“由 Google 提供技术支持”才能使用 API。根据 documentation,

Use of these APIs is governed by the Terms of Service. Among other things, these Terms require that you adhere to certain guidelines on how lay out, Google attribution, and branding must be handled on your site. This document and the HTML Markup Requirements are intended to help you meet these requirements.

既然您 signed/accepted 这些条款,您就必须遵守它们。另外,在documentation中还提到,

If you are uncomfortable with any of these branding guidelines, discontinue your use of the API, and contact us with your concerns.

因此,如果您不想遵守所有要求,您应该联系 Google 并停止使用 API。

最后,Attribution and logos

In addition to following Google's general Brand Features guidelines, you are also required to adopt certain branding elements when using the Cloud Translation API.


  • The "powered by Google Translate" graphic must always be displayed adjacent any translation results.