如何让 React Native ActivityIndi​​cator 在 onPress 之后出现以显示正在加载?

How do you make a React Native ActivityIndicator appear after an onPress to show something is loading?

在屏幕 1 和屏幕 2 之间导航时,用户按下按钮。按下后,有时可能需要几秒钟的时间,应用程序才会将它们导航到下一个屏幕,因此看起来并没有发生任何事情。在导航到下一页之前,我将如何使 activity 指示器出现?我已经让 ActivityIndi​​cator 在加载其他内容时工作,但直到他们导航到该页面时才开始工作。

下面是我在加载地图页面时启动 activity 指示器的代码:

  const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true)

  const renderLoading = () =>  {
        if (isLoading) {
            return (         
            <View style = {{justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: '#d3d3d3', textAlign: 'center', height: height, width: width}}>
            color = 'black'
            size = 'large'
            animated = {false}
          <Text style = {[ styles.text, {textAlign: 'center'}]}>{i18n.t('loading')}</Text>

        }else {
            return null;

     <View style = {styles.container}>


<View style = {styles.container}>


<View style = {styles.container}>

如果您可以控制地图屏幕,我建议您将微调器放在该组件中。换句话说,如果 正在进行渲染,你将能够确定在哪个阶段你想要显示地图而不是微调器:

function IRenderTheMap(): ReactElement {
  const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Load/preper/render map data, whatever
    // ..

    // Somehow determine that enough content has loaded
    if (isReadyToShow) setLoading(false);
  }, []);

  if (isLoading) return <Spinner />;
  // otherwise return your result


function IJustContainTheMap(): ReactElement {
  const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
  return (
      {isLoading && (
        // Absolutely position the spinner so it's on top of the map
        <OverlaySpinner />
      <Map onLoadEnd={() => setIsLoading(false)} />

