从字符串中解密在 python 应用程序中加密的 NodeJS 中的 ChaCha20-Poly1305 二进制数据

Decrypting ChaCha20-Poly1305 binary data in NodeJS that was encrypted in python application from a string

我们有一个 Python 应用程序将字符串作为加密的二进制数据存储在 MongoDB 中,它使用

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import ChaCha20Poly1305

在 NodeJS 方面,我一直无法弄清楚如何解密数据,我有我们的盐和密钥,但据我所知,没有 IV 或 python 模块可能只是将所有这些隐藏在引擎盖下,因为所有 python 应用程序必须做的就是调用 encrypt(value, salt) 和 decrypt(value, salt)


class ChaChaEncryptedStringField(EncryptedStringField):
A field which, given an encryption key and salt, will automatically encrypt/decrypt
sensitive data to avoid needing to do this before passing in. This encryption
method reliably produces a searchable string.

def __init__(self, key, salt, *args, **kwargs):
    """Initialize the ChaChaEncryptedStringField.
        key (str) -
        salt (str) -
    class Hook:
        def __init__(self, key, salt):
            self.salt = salt
            self.chacha = ChaCha20Poly1305(key)

        def encrypt(self, value):
            return self.chacha.encrypt(self.salt, value, None)

        def decrypt(self, value):
            return self.chacha.decrypt(self.salt, value, None)

    self.encryption_hook = Hook(b64decode(key), b64decode(salt))
    super(EncryptedStringField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)


const authTagLocation = data.buffer.length - 16;
const ivLocation = data.buffer.length - 28;
const authTag = data.buffer.slice(authTagLocation);
const iv = data.buffer.slice(ivLocation, authTagLocation);
const encrypted = data.buffer.slice(0, ivLocation);
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('chacha20-poly1305', keyBuffer, iv,{ authTagLength: 16 } );
let dec = decipher.update(
  data.buffer, 'utf-8', 'utf-8'
dec += decipher.final('utf-8');

return dec.toString();

通过一些研究和反复试验,我克服了抱怨不正确的 IV,并且密钥长度是正确的,但仍然得到乱码数据


正在工作Javascript(盐是从秘密中提取的,使用提取的 IV 失败)

const authTagLength = 16
const authTagLocation = data.buffer.length - authTagLength;
const ivLocation = data.buffer.length - 16;
const authTag = data.buffer.slice(authTagLocation);
const iv = data.buffer.slice(ivLocation, authTagLocation);
const encrypted = data.buffer.slice(0, ivLocation);

const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('chacha20-poly1305', keyBuffer, saltBuffer,{ authTagLength: authTagLength } );
let dec = decipher.update(
  encrypted, 'utf-8', 'utf-8'
dec += decipher.final('utf-8');

return dec.toString();

Python代码中所谓的salt其实就是nonce(或IV),见密码学 ChaCha20Poly1305). The difference between nonce and salt is explained e.g. here 的文档。在下文中,我使用术语 nonce。

在NodeJS代码中,密文和标签的分离以一种过于复杂的方式进行,但(巧合的是)得到了正确的结果。 IV 在分离中不起作用。 tag为最后16字节,实际密文为tag前剩余数据

此外,目前没有进行身份验证,这是不安全的。要启用身份验证,必须在 final() 调用之前使用 setAuthTag() 设置标记。如果认证失败,则抛出异常。

以下示例显示了用于解密的可能的 NodeJS 实现。密文是使用发布的 Python 代码生成的:

const crypto = require('crypto');

const keyBuffer = Buffer.from('MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNDU=', 'base64');
const nonceBuffer = Buffer.from('MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAx', 'base64')
const dataBuffer = Buffer.from('4bAaXOlQGhLI3tAsJju0e8Z737eF683Izik+6Uz4axPKj6NbmGLXcCgxukIyo8whOsu2lEgg3llInLA=', 'base64')

const authTagLength = 16
const encrypted = dataBuffer.slice(0, -authTagLength)
const tag = dataBuffer.slice(-authTagLength);

const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('chacha20-poly1305', keyBuffer, nonceBuffer, {authTagLength: authTagLength});

let decrypted;
try {
    decrypted = decipher.update(encrypted, '', 'utf-8');
    decrypted += decipher.final('utf-8');
} catch(e) {
    console.log("Decryption failed!");

请注意 Python 代码中的以下漏洞:密钥和随机数在实例化时传递给 ChaChaEncryptedStringField class。这导致相同的 key/IV 对用于对此实例执行的所有加密,这是不安全的,请参阅 here。正确的做法是为每次加密创建一个随机数。 nonce 不是秘密的,它与密文和标签一起传递,通常是串联的。