为什么当我使用 await 和 async 修饰符时 axios 不等待响应?

Why axios doesn't wait for response when I use await with async modifier?

我在 Json format.But 中有从服务器获取数据的异步函数,它不等待响应 这就是我要说的功能

async fetchFromServer (startRow,filter, sortBy, descending,rowsPerPage) {
                const response = await axios.get("${pageContext.request.contextPath}"+"/Admin/OrdersSorted",{
                    params: {
                        startRow: startRow,
               return response.data


onRequest(props) {
                const {page, rowsPerPage, sortBy, descending} = props.pagination
                const filter = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(props.filter).filter(([_, v]) => !!v));
                this.loading = true
                // update rowsCount with appropriate value
                // get all rows if "All" (0) is selected
                // calculate starting row of data
                const startRow = (page - 1) * rowsPerPage
                // fetch data from "server"
                const returnedData =  this.fetchFromServer(startRow, filter, sortBy, descending, rowsPerPage)
                alert("returndata " + Array.isArray(returnedData))
                this.pagination.rowsNumber = returnedData.length
                alert("length " + returnedData.length)
                // clear out existing data and add new
                this.data.splice(0, this.data.length, ...returnedData)

                // don't forget to update local pagination object
                this.pagination.page = page
                this.pagination.rowsPerPage = rowsPerPage
                this.pagination.sortBy = sortBy
                this.pagination.descending = descending
                // ...and turn of loading indicator
                this.loading = false

你也需要在 onRequest 函数中使用 async。


async onRequest(props) {
                const returnedData = await this.fetchFromServer(startRow, filter, sortBy, descending, rowsPerPage)