Excel 在线显示的散点图不正确

Incorrect scatter chart displayed on Excel online

我尝试用 API office.js 显示一个简单的散点图。 同样的代码和数据,excel桌面显示的散点图正确,excel在线显示的散点图不正确。

在 excel 桌面上:



我在 Script Lab 工具中重现了这个并且导出了一个要点。要点可在以下位置找到:problemOnXYScatterChart.EXCEL.yaml



2.click“创建 xy 散点图”按钮(显示散点图)

在 Excel 桌面和 Excel 在线启动代码段。

=> Excel 网上显示的图表不正确。


我可以重现这个问题,这个问题是我们正在检查的一个已知问题。要解决此问题,您可以在插入图表之前通过 range.select() 将选择放在 table 单元格之一中以首先取消阻止。


"I can repro it, the trigger point is whether select the data range before adding the chart. If selecting the data range before adding chart, this issue will not repro. Other wise it will repro, when you unselect the data range. This a known issue (5008488) that team is working on now, the reason is that when you unselect the data range and then add the chart, the row and column are wrongly switched for Excel online. Team is working the issue, the code has been checked in, it still need some time to deploy and roll out. We will let you know you can verify the fix."