
Change content of button on waterfall display

在buildbot的瀑布页面中,按钮显示了每个构建步骤的状态。如果该步骤运行,它只显示 'Ran'。我想编辑它以便为用户提供更好的信息。我可以从哪里添加此更改?

the documentation of buidlbot 8.12开始,所有buildsteps的关键字参数 包括:-


This will be used to describe the command (on the Waterfall display) while the command is still running. It should be a single imperfect-tense verb, like compiling or testing. The preferred form is a list of short strings, which allows the HTML displays to create narrower columns by emitting a
tag between each word. You may also provide a single string.


This will be used to describe the command once it has finished. A simple noun like compile or tests should be used. Like description, this may either be a list of short strings or a single string.

在构建步骤的 python 定义中,您应该设置 descriptionDone 关键字参数添加到每个构建步骤完成的适当描述中。