为什么函数参数没有在递归 python 函数中更新?

Why are the function parameters not being updated inside recursive python function?


class Solution:
    # returns the inorder successor of the Node x in BST (rooted at 'root')
    ans = None 
    def inorderSuccessor(self, root, x):
        counter = 0
        answer = self.findNode(root, x, counter)
        return self.ans
    def findNode(self, root, x, counter):
        if root == None:
            return None
        self.findNode(root.left, x, counter)
        if counter == 1:
            counter += 1
            self.ans = root
            return root
        if root.data == x.data:
            ###counter becomes 1 here, when it finds the x node.
            counter += 1
        ###but it is not updated in the params.    
        self.findNode(root.right, x, counter)


但是如果我将 counter 设为全局变量,它就可以工作了:

class Solution:
    # returns the inorder successor of the Node x in BST (rooted at 'root')
    ans = None 
    counter = 0
    def inorderSuccessor(self, root, x):
        # Code here
        answer = self.findNode(root, x)
        return self.ans
    def findNode(self, root, x):
        if root == None:
            return None
        self.findNode(root.left, x)
        if self.counter == 1:
            self.counter += 1
            self.ans = root
            return root
        if root.data == x.data:
            self.counter += 1
        self.findNode(root.right, x)

谁能解释一下 Python 的 属性?为什么它在进行递归调用时不更新函数参数?

当您调用 findNode(root, x, counter) 时,如果 findNode 分配 一个新值给 counter,这是对变量的赋值局部于 findNode -- 参数变量。这样的赋值不是给在函数调用中命名的这个 counter 变量。

算法的更多信息:没有必要有这样一个 counter 变量。您可以改为使用以下算法:

按照二叉搜索树的逻辑,沿着树往下走。当 x.data 小于当前节点的数据时,向左走,否则向右走。每次你向左走,记下你来自哪里,因为它可能就是我们正在寻找的继任者。



    def inorderSuccessor(self, root, x):
        candidate = None
        while root:
            if x.data < root.data:
                candidate = root
                root = root.left
                root = root.right
        return candidate