为什么我无法在 kubernetes 中创建 pods 具有足够权限的用户

why i can't create pods a a user with enough permissions in kubernetes

我正在学习有关 RBAC 的教程,我想我理解了主要思想,但我不明白为什么会失败:

kc auth can-i "*" pod/compute --as deploy@test.com

kc create clusterrole deploy --verb="*" --resource=pods --resource-name=compute
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/deploy created

kc create clusterrolebinding deploy --user=deploy@test.com --clusterrole=deploy
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/deploy created

# this tells me that deploy@test.com should be able to create a pod named compute
kc auth can-i "*" pod/compute --as deploy@test.com

# but it fails when trying to do so
kc run compute --image=nginx --as deploy@test.com
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "deploy@test.com" cannot create resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"

命名空间名称应该与 afaik 无关,因为这是一个集群角色。

不支持限制对特定资源名称的 create 权限。

这是来自 Kubernetes documentation:

Note: You cannot restrict create or deletecollection requests by resourceName. For create, this limitation is because the object name is not known at authorization time.

这意味着您创建的 ClusterRole 不允许您创建任何 Pod。 您需要在未指定资源名称的地方分配另一个 ClusterRole