MS Access与系统时间设置关系

MS Access and system time settings relation

我有 MS Access 数据库查询条件...Documents.DATE>Date()... 它在一台计算机上运行良好,其中安装了完整的 Access (2016)。 但在我使用 Access Runtime verison(也是 2016)的其他地方,它不起作用。

我已经在具有完整版本的计算机上使用 .accrd 文件尝试过此查询,它也可以正常工作。什么会导致这种行为?



Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' Verify Access' external references.
' Returns True if all references are valid.
' Will run quietly, if called with parameter Quiet as True.
' Is intended to be called as the first command from the AutoExec macro
' followed by a call to a function - for example CompileAndSave - that will
' "compile and save all modules".
' 2018-07-10. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function VerifyReferences( _
    Optional ByVal Quiet As Boolean) _
    As Boolean
    ' Settings for message box.
    Const Title     As String = "Missing Support Files"
    Const Header    As String = "One or more supporting files are missing:"
    Const Footer    As String = "Report this to IT support." & vbCrLf & "Program execution cannot continue."
    Const Buttons   As Long = VbMsgBoxStyle.vbCritical + VbMsgBoxStyle.vbOKOnly
    Dim Reference   As Access.Reference
    Dim Item        As Integer
    Dim Guid        As String
    Dim Major       As Long
    Dim Minor       As Long
    Dim Prompt      As String
    Dim Broken      As Boolean
    Dim SecondRun   As Boolean
    Dim Result      As Boolean
        ' Loop (a second time) the references and build a list of those broken.
        Broken = False
        Prompt = ""
        For Each Reference In Access.References
            If Reference.BuiltIn Then
                ' Nothing to check.
            ElseIf IsBrokenExt(Reference) Then
                Broken = True
                Prompt = Prompt & Reference.Guid
                On Error Resume Next
                Prompt = Prompt & " - " & Reference.Name
                On Error GoTo 0
                Prompt = Prompt & vbCrLf
            End If
        If SecondRun Then
            ' Only shuffle the references once.
            Exit Do
        ElseIf Not Broken Then
            ' All references have been verified.
            ' Try to remove the last non-broken reference and add it back.
            ' This will shuffle the Reference collection and may or may not
            ' cause a broken reference to be added back.
            Item = Access.References.Count
                Set Reference = Access.References.Item(Item)
                If Not Reference.BuiltIn Then
                    If Not IsBrokenExt(Reference) Then
                        ' Record the reference's identification before removal.
                        Guid = Reference.Guid
                        Major = Reference.Major
                        Minor = Reference.Minor
                        ' Remove this reference.
                        Access.References.Remove Reference
                        ' Add back the removed reference.
                        Access.References.AddFromGuid Guid, Major, Minor
                        Exit Do
                    End If
                End If
                Item = Item - 1
                ' Exit loop when a built-in reference is met.
                ' These are always the top ones.
            Loop Until Reference.BuiltIn
            SecondRun = True
        End If
    Loop Until Not Broken
    Result = Not Broken
    If Result = False And Quiet = False Then
        Prompt = Header & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Prompt & vbCrLf & Footer
        VBA.MsgBox Prompt, Buttons, Title
    End If
    Set Reference = Nothing
    VerifyReferences = Result
End Function

' Performs an extended check if a reference is broken, as the
' IsBroken property doesn't check for unregistered files. Thus,
' an unregistered reference may fail even if not marked MISSING.
' 2018-07-09. Gustav Brock. Cactus Data ApS.
Public Function IsBrokenExt( _
    ByRef Reference As Access.Reference) _
    As Boolean

    Dim NotBroken   As Boolean
    On Error GoTo Err_IsBrokenExt
    ' If the reference is not registered, calling property FullPath will fail.
    ' Even if the file exists in the Virtual File System, GetAttr will find it.
    If (VBA.GetAttr(Reference.FullPath) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory Then
        ' FullPath is valid.
        NotBroken = Not Reference.IsBroken
    End If

    IsBrokenExt = Not NotBroken
    Exit Function
    ' Ignore non-existing servers, drives, and paths.
    Resume Exit_IsBrokenExt
End Function