Word VBA - 在新文档中复制粘贴 Image-header

Word VBA - CopyPaste Image-header in a new Document

我有一个函数可以将指定的 table 复制到新文档中,但我不知道如何导出 header,它是一个图像,并将其设置为 header 用于文档的页面。

table是根据combobox的实际值(ProjectsList.Value)选择的,指的是 书签和其中包含的table在新文档


对于每个粘贴的页面,我也想复制 header。

我将集成 header 部分的函数:

Sub CopyPaste()
Dim Source As Document
Dim Target As Document
Dim tbl As Table
Dim tr As Range
Dim hRange As Word.Range

Set Source = ActiveDocument
Set Target = Documents.Add
Target.SaveAs FileName:=ProjectsList.Value

For Each tbl In Source.Bookmarks(ProjectsList.Value).Range.Tables
    Set tr = Target.Range
    tr.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
    tr.FormattedText = tbl.Range.FormattedText
    tr.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
    tr.Text = vbCrLf

End Sub


Sub Replicate()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Source As Document, Target As Document
Dim Tbl As Table, HdFt As HeaderFooter, Rng As Range
Set Source = ActiveDocument: Set Target = Documents.Add
With Target
    For Each Tbl In Source.Bookmarks(ProjectsList.Value).Range.Tables
        Set Rng = .Range.Characters.Last
        Rng.FormattedText = Tbl.Range.FormattedText
        Rng.InsertAfter vbCr
    For Each HdFt In Source.Sections.First.Headers
        With HdFt
            Set Rng = Target.Sections.First.Headers(.Index).Range
            Rng.FormattedText = .Range.FormattedText
        End With
    .SaveAs FileName:=ProjectsList.Value
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub