
Pandas: Accumulated Shares Holdings per Ticker per Day from a List of Trades

我有 pd.DataFrame (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) 一些股票交易。

data = {'Date': ['2021-01-15', '2021-01-21', '2021-02-28', '2021-01-30', '2021-02-16', '2021-03-22', '2021-01-08', '2021-03-02', '2021-02-25', '2021-04-04', '2021-03-15', '2021-04-08'], 'Ticker': ['MFST', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'AAPL','MFST', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'AAPL','MFST', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'AAPL'], 'Quantity': [2,3,7,2,6,4,-3,8,-2,9,11,1]}  
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

          Date Ticker  Quantity
0   2021-01-15   MFST         2
1   2021-01-21   AMZN         3
2   2021-02-28   GOOG         7
3   2021-01-30   AAPL         2
4   2021-02-16   MFST         6
5   2021-03-22   AMZN         4
6   2021-01-08   GOOG        -3
7   2021-03-02   AAPL         8
8   2021-02-25   MFST        -2
9   2021-04-04   AMZN         9
10  2021-03-15   GOOG        11
11  2021-04-08   AAPL         1


我正在寻找一种有效的方法来创建一个新的 df,其中包含每天每个 Ticker 的股票数量。

第一笔交易发生在 2021-01-08,最后一笔交易发生在 2021-04-08。我想要一个新的数据框,其中包含 all days 之间的日期作为行和代码作为列。 值应为我在特定日期持有的股票数量。因此,如果我在 2021 年 3 月 15 日购买了 4 股股票(假设不再买卖),我将在 2021 年 3 月 15 日至 2021 年 4 月 8 日期间持有它们,每行应表示为 4对于这个特定的代码。如果我决定购买更多股票,这个数字将在当天和接下来的所有日子里发生变化。


         Date   MFST  AMZN    GOOG    APPL
  2021-01-08      2     3       1       0
  2021-01-09      2     3       1       0
  2021-01-10      2     3       1       0


  2021-04-08      2     3       1       7

我的第一个猜测是创建一个空的 DataFrame,然后用两个 for 循环遍历它的所有 Dates 和 Tickers。但是,我认为这不是最有效的方法。感谢您的推荐!



您可以使用 df.pivot() 将您的数据转换为表格形式,如预期的输出布局所示,如下所示:

df.pivot(index='Date', columns='Ticker', values='Quantity').rename_axis(columns=None).reset_index().fillna(0, downcast='infer')


df.pivot_table(index='Date', columns='Ticker', values='Quantity', aggfunc='sum').rename_axis(columns=None).reset_index().fillna(0, downcast='infer')


         Date  AAPL  AMZN  GOOG  MFST
0  2021-01-21     0     3     0     0
1  2021-02-28     0     0     1     0
2  2021-03-15     0     0     0     2
3  2021-04-30     7     0     0     0



data = {'Date': ['2021-03-15',
 'Ticker': ['MFST', 'AMZN', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'GOOG', 'AAPL', 'AAPL'],
 'Quantity': [2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 7, 2]}

 df = pd.DataFrame(data)

         Date Ticker  Quantity
0  2021-03-15   MFST         2
1  2021-01-21   AMZN         3
2  2021-01-21   AMZN         4
3  2021-02-28   GOOG         1
4  2021-02-28   GOOG         2
5  2021-04-30   AAPL         7
6  2021-04-30   AAPL         2

df.pivot_table(index='Date', columns='Ticker', values='Quantity', aggfunc='sum').rename_axis(columns=None).reset_index().fillna(0, downcast='infer')

         Date  AAPL  AMZN  GOOG  MFST
0  2021-01-21     0     7     0     0
1  2021-02-28     0     0     3     0
2  2021-03-15     0     0     0     2
3  2021-04-30     9     0     0     0



The first trade was on 2021-03-15 and the last on 2021-04-30. I want a new dataframe that contains all days between those to dates as rows and the tickers as columns. Values shall be the number of shares I hold at a specific day. Hence, if I buy 4 shares of a stock at 2021-03-15 (assuming no further buying or selling) I will have them from 2021-03-15 till 2021-04-30 which should be represented as a 4 in every row for this specific ticker. If I decide to buy more shares this number will change on that day and all following days.


data = {'Date': ['2021-01-15', '2021-01-21', '2021-02-28', '2021-01-30', '2021-02-16', '2021-03-22', '2021-01-08', '2021-03-02', '2021-02-25', '2021-04-04', '2021-03-15', '2021-04-08'], 'Ticker': ['MFST', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'AAPL','MFST', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'AAPL','MFST', 'AMZN', 'GOOG', 'AAPL'], 'Quantity': [2,3,7,2,6,4,-3,8,-2,9,11,1]}  
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'])
df = df.sort_values('Date')

df1 = df.set_index('Date').asfreq('D')
df1['Ticker'] = df1['Ticker'].ffill().bfill()
df1['Quantity'] = df1['Quantity'].fillna(0)

df2 = df1.pivot_table(index='Date', columns='Ticker', values='Quantity', aggfunc='sum').rename_axis(columns=None).reset_index().fillna(0, downcast='infer')
df3 = df2[['Date']].join(df2.iloc[:,1:].cumsum())



         Date  AAPL  AMZN  GOOG  MFST
0  2021-01-08     0     0    -3     0
1  2021-01-09     0     0    -3     0
2  2021-01-10     0     0    -3     0
3  2021-01-11     0     0    -3     0
4  2021-01-12     0     0    -3     0
5  2021-01-13     0     0    -3     0
6  2021-01-14     0     0    -3     0
7  2021-01-15     0     0    -3     2
8  2021-01-16     0     0    -3     2
9  2021-01-17     0     0    -3     2
10 2021-01-18     0     0    -3     2
11 2021-01-19     0     0    -3     2
12 2021-01-20     0     0    -3     2
13 2021-01-21     0     3    -3     2
14 2021-01-22     0     3    -3     2
15 2021-01-23     0     3    -3     2
16 2021-01-24     0     3    -3     2
17 2021-01-25     0     3    -3     2
18 2021-01-26     0     3    -3     2
19 2021-01-27     0     3    -3     2
20 2021-01-28     0     3    -3     2
21 2021-01-29     0     3    -3     2
22 2021-01-30     2     3    -3     2
23 2021-01-31     2     3    -3     2
24 2021-02-01     2     3    -3     2
25 2021-02-02     2     3    -3     2
26 2021-02-03     2     3    -3     2
27 2021-02-04     2     3    -3     2
28 2021-02-05     2     3    -3     2
29 2021-02-06     2     3    -3     2
30 2021-02-07     2     3    -3     2
31 2021-02-08     2     3    -3     2
32 2021-02-09     2     3    -3     2
33 2021-02-10     2     3    -3     2
34 2021-02-11     2     3    -3     2
35 2021-02-12     2     3    -3     2
36 2021-02-13     2     3    -3     2
37 2021-02-14     2     3    -3     2
38 2021-02-15     2     3    -3     2
39 2021-02-16     2     3    -3     8
40 2021-02-17     2     3    -3     8
41 2021-02-18     2     3    -3     8
42 2021-02-19     2     3    -3     8
43 2021-02-20     2     3    -3     8
44 2021-02-21     2     3    -3     8
45 2021-02-22     2     3    -3     8
46 2021-02-23     2     3    -3     8
47 2021-02-24     2     3    -3     8
48 2021-02-25     2     3    -3     6
49 2021-02-26     2     3    -3     6
50 2021-02-27     2     3    -3     6
51 2021-02-28     2     3     4     6
52 2021-03-01     2     3     4     6
53 2021-03-02    10     3     4     6
54 2021-03-03    10     3     4     6
55 2021-03-04    10     3     4     6
56 2021-03-05    10     3     4     6
57 2021-03-06    10     3     4     6
58 2021-03-07    10     3     4     6
59 2021-03-08    10     3     4     6
60 2021-03-09    10     3     4     6
61 2021-03-10    10     3     4     6
62 2021-03-11    10     3     4     6
63 2021-03-12    10     3     4     6
64 2021-03-13    10     3     4     6
65 2021-03-14    10     3     4     6
66 2021-03-15    10     3    15     6
67 2021-03-16    10     3    15     6
68 2021-03-17    10     3    15     6
69 2021-03-18    10     3    15     6
70 2021-03-19    10     3    15     6
71 2021-03-20    10     3    15     6
72 2021-03-21    10     3    15     6
73 2021-03-22    10     7    15     6
74 2021-03-23    10     7    15     6
75 2021-03-24    10     7    15     6
76 2021-03-25    10     7    15     6
77 2021-03-26    10     7    15     6
78 2021-03-27    10     7    15     6
79 2021-03-28    10     7    15     6
80 2021-03-29    10     7    15     6
81 2021-03-30    10     7    15     6
82 2021-03-31    10     7    15     6
83 2021-04-01    10     7    15     6
84 2021-04-02    10     7    15     6
85 2021-04-03    10     7    15     6
86 2021-04-04    10    16    15     6
87 2021-04-05    10    16    15     6
88 2021-04-06    10    16    15     6
89 2021-04-07    10    16    15     6
90 2021-04-08    11    16    15     6