对 DataFrame 的数组操作

Array Manipulation to DataFrame


(array([[5.8205872e+07, 2.0200601e+07, 1.6700000e+02, 2.1500000e+02,
         5.0000000e+01, 5.0000000e+00],
        [5.7929117e+07, 2.0200601e+07, 1.6700000e+02, 1.5000000e+02,
         5.0000000e+01, 5.0000000e+00],
        [5.8178782e+07, 2.0200601e+07, 1.6700000e+02, 1.5750000e+02,
         5.0000000e+01, 5.0000000e+00],
        [5.7936230e+07, 2.0210228e+07, 1.6700000e+02, 1.8000000e+02,
         4.0000000e+01, 5.0000000e+00],
        [5.8213574e+07, 2.0210228e+07, 1.6700000e+02, 6.9500000e+02,
         4.0000000e+01, 5.0000000e+00],
        [2.5693916e+07, 2.0210228e+07, 1.6700000e+02, 4.8518000e+02,
         4.0000000e+01, 5.0000000e+00]]),
 array([[ 0.46666667,  7.16666667],
        [ 0.51724138,  5.17241379],
        [ 0.73333333,  5.25      ],
        [ 0.34285714,  5.14285714],
        [ 1.18918919, 18.78378378],
        [ 1.26315789, 12.76789474]]))

我想将它转换为一个总共有 8 列和 6 行的数据框。 我尝试这样做:pd.Dataframe(my_array) 但结果只有两行,如下所示:

0   [[58205872.0, 20200601.0, 167.0, 30.0, 1.0, 10...
1   [[0.4666666666666667, 7.166666666666667], [0.5...


看起来您想连接两个数组(实际上您确实有两个数组分配给 my_array),然后将结果转换为数据框。首先使用 numpy.hstack

>>> your_two_arrays = (..., ...)
>>> a = np.hstack(your_two_arrays)
>>> a.shape
(6, 8)

最后 pandas.DataFrame

>>> pd.DataFrame(data=a)
            0           1      2       3     4    5         6          7
0  58205872.0  20200601.0  167.0  215.00  50.0  5.0  0.466667   7.166667
1  57929117.0  20200601.0  167.0  150.00  50.0  5.0  0.517241   5.172414
2  58178782.0  20200601.0  167.0  157.50  50.0  5.0  0.733333   5.250000
3  57936230.0  20210228.0  167.0  180.00  40.0  5.0  0.342857   5.142857
4  58213574.0  20210228.0  167.0  695.00  40.0  5.0  1.189189  18.783784
5  25693916.0  20210228.0  167.0  485.18  40.0  5.0  1.263158  12.767895

[...] the result is just two rows like this: [...]

您在执行 pd.Dataframe(my_array) 时提供给 pd.Dataframe 的数据是两个对象的 tuple。因此你得到两行(和一列),即每个数组一个。