Python - Networkx:具有一定权重的邻居节点图

Python - Networkx: Graph of Neighbor Nodes with certain weight

以下问题是使用 Python 3.9 和 Networkx 2.5


list_neighbors=G.neighbors('Rochester, NY')
for i in list_neighbors:
    if G.edges[('Rochester, NY',i)]['weight']<100:
        print (G.edges[('Rochester, NY',i)])

输出: {'weight': 88}


I would like to have the input of the function be ('Rochester, NY', 'Seattle, WA'), and the output to be the neighbor cities of each within 100 miles.


import networkx as nx

# version 1 : outputs an iterator; more elegant, potentially more performant (unlikely in this case though)
def get_neighbors_below_threshold(graph, node, threshold=100, attribute='weight'):
    for neighbor in graph.neighors(node):
        if graph.edges[(node, neighbor)][attribute] < threshold:
            yield neighbor

# version 2 : outputs a list; maybe easier to understand
def get_neighbors_below_threshold(graph, node, threshold=100, attribute='weight'):
    output = []
    for neighbor in graph.neighors(node):
        if graph.edges[(node, neighbor)][attribute] < threshold:
    return output

n1 = get_neighbors_below_threshold(G, 'Rochester, NY')
n2 = get_neighbors_below_threshold(G, 'Seattle, WA')

combined_neighbors = set(n1) | set(n2)
common_neighbors = set(n1) & set(n2)