一个 kubernetes 集群可以处理多少个 CR(自定义资源)?

How many CRs (Custom Resources) can a kubernetes cluster handle?

  1. 一个k8s集群可以处理某个CRD的多少个CR?
  2. 某个控制器(或操作员)可以协调多少个 CR?



与您的 API 服务器的 storage space allows:


Custom resources consume storage space in the same way that ConfigMaps do. Creating too many custom resources may overload your API server's storage space.

Aggregated API servers may use the same storage as the main API server, in which case the same warning applies.

2。某个控制器(或操作员)可以协调多少个 CR?

Kubernetes 中的控制器跟踪至少一种资源类型。 Kubernetes 中有许多内置控制器,复制控制器,命名空间控制器,服务帐户控制器等。自定义资源定义以及自定义控制器使得 Operator Pattern. It's hard to tell what is the maximum CR that a given Operator could handle as it would depend on different aspects such as the Operator itself. For example, this guide 表明二进制供应代理(BPA)自定义控制器可以处理两个或更多自定义资源。
