
Factory injection with interface and concrete type parameter


public interface IService{};
public class ServiceImp:IService {};

我有以下 class 使用该服务的 es

public class ServiceProvider
   public ServiceProvider(Func<double, IService> service, double age)

public class ServiceProviderB
   public ServiceProviderB(Func<double, ServiceImp> service, double age)


builder.Register<Func<double, IService>>(c=> age => new ServiceImp (age));
builder.Register<Func<double, ServiceImp >>(c=> age => new ServiceImp (age));

我不喜欢它,因为在我看来它像是双重工作。我知道如何使用 AsSelf()AsImplementedInterfaces() 来注册实际实例 ,这样我就只有 1 个注册声明,而不是两个。但在这种情况下,我处理的是函子,而不是实际的类型实例。


答案是让Autofac使用the built-in relationship types而不是注册你自己的函数。

public class UnitTest1
    public void Repro()
        var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

        // Just register the type, not functions.
        var container = builder.Build();

        // Autofac will handle creation of the Func<T> factories.
        var interfaceFactory = container.Resolve<Func<double, IService>>();
        var implementationFactory = container.Resolve<Func<double, Implementation>>();

        // Profit!
        var service = interfaceFactory(12);
        Assert.Equal(12, service.Age);

        var impl = implementationFactory(24);
        Assert.Equal(24, impl.Age);

    public interface IService
        double Age { get; }

    public class Implementation : IService
        public Implementation(double age)
            this.Age = age;
        public double Age { get; }