如何在 Minecraft 中的圆形或椭圆形生成区域中获取随机离散点?

How to get a random discrete point in a circular or ellipsoid spawn region in Minecraft?

在为 Minecraft 编写了我的第一个随机生成插件后,我立即想升级到允许圆形和椭圆形生成区域作为 select 来自的随机点的有限生成区域。



// in Util.java
// get a random whole number in range
public static int getRandomNumber(int min, int max) {
    return (int) ((Math.random() * (max - min)) + min);

// in the class that controls spawning
// get random x, z co-coordinates within range; refer to the *center* of blocks
double tryLocation_x = Math.rint(Util.getRandomNumber((int)min_x, (int)max_x)) + 0.5;
double tryLocation_z = Math.rint(Util.getRandomNumber((int)min_z, (int)max_z)) + 0.5;


我们需要添加一些东西,使我们能够忽略 随机生成的数字,这些数字会出现在 radius_X, radius_Z 定义的椭圆之外。这是因为如前所述,以这种方式生成的坐标会产生有效离散点的有效矩形区域。




public static int isInEllipse(int h, int k, int x, int y, int a, int b) {
    // h, k are center point | x, y are co-ords to check | a, b are ellipse radii
    int p = ((int)Math.pow((x - h), 2) / (int)Math.pow(a, 2))
            + ((int)Math.pow((y - k), 2) / (int)Math.pow(b, 2));

    return p;



好的,现在我们有一种方法可以检查随机坐标在我们定义的椭圆中的有效性。 让我们开始吧。

// get random x, z co-coordinates within range; refer to the *center* of blocks
double tryLocation_x = Math.rint(Util.getRandomNumber((int)radius_X*-1, (int)radius_X)) + 0.5;
double tryLocation_z = Math.rint(Util.getRandomNumber((int)radius_Z*-1, (int)radius_Z)) + 0.5;
int ellipseCheck = Util.isInEllipse(0, 0, (int)tryLocation_x, (int)tryLocation_z, (int)radius_X, (int)radius_Z);



final double spawnLoc_x;
final double spawnLoc_z;

boolean isValidRespawn = false;
while (!isValidRespawn) {
    double tryLocation_x = Math.rint(Util.getRandomNumber((int)radius_X*-1, (int)radius_X)) + 0.5;
    double tryLocation_z = Math.rint(Util.getRandomNumber((int)radius_Z*-1, (int)radius_Z)) + 0.5;
    int ellipseCheck = Util.isInEllipse(0, 0, (int)tryLocation_x, (int)tryLocation_z, (int)radius_X, (int)radius_Z);
    if (ellipseCheck > 1) continue;
    else isValidRespawn = true;

    spawnLoc_x = tryLocation_x;
    spawnLoc_z = tryLocation_z;

您现在可以改变玩家的 respawn location object with the coordinates you get from this. As for the Y value, you can use World.gethighestBlockAt(int x, int z) 以保持简单。

我花了很多时间寻找这个答案。我希望这个 post 能帮助很多人找到这个解决方案。干杯!

参考: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/check-if-a-point-is-inside-outside-or-on-the-ellipse/