分块上传验证:"The file could not be uploaded."

Chunked upload validation: "The file could not be uploaded."

我目前正在尝试让 Symfonys Validator Component 处理上传文件的验证,这对普通文件来说工作得很好。但是,如果文件超过一定大小,它们将作为块上传,然后合并并验证。两种上传方式都是通过同一个函数验证的,基本上就是这样:

public function validateFile(UploadedFile $uploadedFile): ConstraintViolationList {

    return $this->validator->validate(
            new FileConstraints([
                'maxSize' => '1000M',


Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolation {#658 ▼
  -message: "The file could not be uploaded."
  -messageTemplate: "The file could not be uploaded."
  -parameters: []
  -plural: null
  -root: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile {#647 ▶}
  -propertyPath: ""
  -invalidValue: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile {#647 ▶}
  -constraint: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\File {#649 ▶}
  -code: "0"
  -cause: null


如果我 dump'n'die UploadedObjects,唯一的区别是分块和合并的对象有 executable: true 并且它没有存储在 tmp 中。


编辑:块的上传和合并似乎工作得很好 - 可以查看上传的图像,可以读取文本 docs/pdfs 等。还使用了所有其他代码很长一段时间现在不同验证,只是想让一切变得更专业,并通过使用现有的验证器基础设施进行排序。要提供有关已上传对象的其他信息,这里是 dd 输出,从常规文件上传开始:

Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile {#20 ▼
  -test: false
  -originalName: "foo.jpg"
  -mimeType: "image/jpeg"
  -error: 0
  path: "/tmp"
  filename: "phpEu7Xmw"
  basename: "phpEu7Xmw"
  pathname: "/tmp/phpEu7Xmw"
  extension: ""
  realPath: "/tmp/phpEu7Xmw"
  aTime: 2021-05-27 10:47:56
  mTime: 2021-05-27 10:47:54
  cTime: 2021-05-27 10:47:54
  inode: 1048589
  size: 539474
  perms: 0100600
  owner: 1000
  group: 1000
  type: "file"
  writable: true
  readable: true
  executable: false
  file: true
  dir: false
  link: false


Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile {#647 ▼
  -test: false
  -originalName: "foo.jpg"
  -mimeType: "image/jpeg"
  -error: 0
  path: "/home/vagrant/MyProject/var/uploads"
  filename: "foo.jpg"
  basename: "foo.jpg"
  pathname: "/home/vagrant/MyProject/var/uploads/foo.jpg"
  extension: "jpg"
  realPath: "/home/vagrant/MyProject/var/uploads/foo.jpg"
  aTime: 2021-05-27 10:43:58
  mTime: 2021-05-27 10:43:58
  cTime: 2021-05-27 10:43:58
  inode: 8154
  size: 539474
  perms: 0100777
  owner: 1000
  group: 1000
  type: "file"
  writable: true
  readable: true
  executable: true
  file: true
  dir: false
  link: false
new Count([
  'min' => 1,
  'minMessage' => 'Please select a file to upload'

我认为 NotBlank 约束是这里的问题,我认为不应该在 UploadedFile 上使用它。

尝试仅使用 FileCount 约束条件(以确保至少附加 1 个文件)。

File 约束接收到一个UploadedFile 实例时,它会触发对isValid, which in turn calls is_uploaded_file:


Returns true if the file named by filename was uploaded via HTTP POST. This is useful to help ensure that a malicious user hasn't tried to trick the script into working on files upon which it should not be working


您可以使用最后一个文件片段重新组合原始文件,或者您可以从函数中 return FileFile 不受该检查的约束,约束将与 UploadedFile.


以编程方式创建 UploadedFile 对象时,请使用 'test mode'。我将它与 VichUploaderBundle 一起使用,并且记录了测试模式的使用 here.