如何仅使用 :not(hover) 在移动设备和平板电脑上显示元素

How do I show elements on mobile devices and tablets only with :not(hover)

我希望元素显示在移动设备上而不是桌面上,因为元素是通过 :hover 控制的。在移动设备上显然你不能* :hover 所以我需要它们出现。问题是,即使在较小的宽度上,如果将桌面屏幕缩小到较小的宽度,元素也会显示出来。我无法在媒体查询中挑出所有设备,因此我的元素仅显示在移动设备上。

*编辑:将 can 更改为 can't

 main class="animate__animated animate__slideInDown" id="cards">
<a href="signup.html">
    <section class="cards__med">
        <div class="cards__flexchild">
            <h1 class="cards__med-title">Medellín</h1>
            <img class="cards__medimage" src="img/medellin.jpeg" alt="medellin">
            <h2 class="cards__texthead" id="texthead_media640">The City of Eternal Spring</h2>
            <h2 class="choice" id="choice-media640">I choose Medellín!</h2>

    <a href="signup.html"><section class="cards__bog">
            <h1 class="cards__bog-title">Bogotá</h1>
            <img class="cards__bogimage" src="img/bogota.jpg" alt="bogota">
            <h1 class="cards__texthead">The City where the Past and Present Meet</h1>
            <!-- <a href="signup.html" class="cards__bog-btn">Choose City</a> -->
        <h2 class="choice">I choose Bogotá!</h2>
    <a href="signup.html"><section class="cards__san">
            <h1 class="cards__san-title">Santa Marta</h1>
            <img class="cards__santaimage" src="img/santa.jpg" alt="santa">
            <h1 class="cards__texthead" id="texthead__media1024">The Destination with Everything</h1>
            <!-- <a href="signup.html" class="cards__san-btn">Choose City</a> -->
            <h2 class="choice" id="choice_santa">I choose Santa Marta!</h2>

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.cards__bogimage {
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.cards__bog:not(:hover) .choice {
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.cards__san {
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.cards__santaimage {
    width: 412px;
    height: 220px;
    margin-bottom: 2rem;

.cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
    display: none;

a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: black;

@keyframes med_slide {
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    to {
        transform: translateY(1.55rem);

@keyframes bog_slide {
    from {
        transform: translateY(-80rem);

    to {
        transform: translateY(1.5rem);

@keyframes san_slide {
    from {
        transform: translateY(-60rem);

    to {
        transform: translateY(1.5rem);

    @media (hover: none) {
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      display: inherit;

@media only screen 
and (min-width: 1366px)
and (max-width: 1366px)
and (orientation: landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
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@media screen and (max-width: 1450px) {
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        height: 32rem;
        width: 27rem;
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        display: inherit;

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    .cards__med:not(:hover) .choice,
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        display: inherit;

    .choice {
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the primary input mechanism can conveniently hover over elements.

我不确定这里 'conveniently' 是如何定义的,但 MDN 认为必须进行长时间触摸不属于该类别。


@media (hover: hover) {
  a:hover {
    background: yellow;
<a href="#">Try hovering over me!</a>

补充: 要在用户位于具有方便使用的悬停的设备上时停止显示选择元素(根据浏览器对 'convenient' 的理解),那么无论屏幕宽度如何,我们都需要停止显示选择。

 @media (hover: hover) {
    .cards__med:not(:hover) .choice,
    .cards__bog:not(:hover) .choice,
    .cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
     display: none;


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.cards__medimage {
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    height: 220px;
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.cards__med:not(:hover) .choice {
    display: none;

.choice {
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.cards__bog:hover {
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.cards__bog-title {
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.cards__bogimage {
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    height: 220px;
    margin-bottom: 2rem;

.cards__bog:not(:hover) .choice {
    display: none;

.cards__san {
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    animation: san_slide 2s;
.cards__san:hover {
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.cards__san-title {
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    margin-top: 0;
    padding-top: 8px;
    padding-bottom: 8px;
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    font-size: 1.6rem;

.cards__santaimage {
    width: 412px;
    height: 220px;
    margin-bottom: 2rem;

.cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
    display: none;

a {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: black;

@keyframes med_slide {
    from {
        transform: translateY(-100rem);

    to {
        transform: translateY(1.55rem);

@keyframes bog_slide {
    from {
        transform: translateY(-80rem);

    to {
        transform: translateY(1.5rem);

@keyframes san_slide {
    from {
        transform: translateY(-60rem);

    to {
        transform: translateY(1.5rem);

    @media (hover: none) {
    .cards__san:hover .choice,
    .cards__med:hover .choice,
    .cards__bog:hover .choice  {
      display: inherit;

@media only screen 
and (min-width: 1366px)
and (max-width: 1366px)
and (orientation: landscape)
and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
    .cards__med:not(:hover) .choice,
    .cards__bog:not(:hover) .choice,
    .cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
        display: inherit;

@media screen and (max-width: 1450px) {
    .cards__santaimage {
        width: 330px;
        height: 220px;

    .cards__san {
        height: 32rem;
        width: 27rem;
        margin-bottom: 4rem;
        border: 3px black solid;
        margin-left: .5rem;

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@media screen and (max-width: 1300px) {
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    .cards__santaimage {
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        height: 200px;

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        width: 21.5rem;
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        border: 3px black solid;
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        margin-top: 0;
        margin-left: 2.75rem;
    #choice-media640 {
        margin-top: 2.8rem ;
    #choice_santa {
        margin-top: 3.5rem;

@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
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    .cards__bog:not(:hover) .choice,
    .cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
        display: inherit;

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        margin-top: 0;
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    #choice-media640 {
        margin-top: 2.8rem ;
    #choice_santa {
        margin-top: 1rem;

 @media screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
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    .cards__bog:not(:hover) .choice,
    .cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
        display: inherit;

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        margin-left: 2.75rem;
 @media screen and (max-width: 400px) {
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        border: 3px black solid;
        margin-left: 0rem;

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    .cards__bog:not(:hover) .choice,
    .cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
        display: inherit;

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    .cards__san:not(:hover) .choice {
        display: inherit;

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 @media (hover: hover) {
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     display: none;
  <main class="animate__animated animate__slideInDown" id="cards">
<a href="signup.html">
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            <h1 class="cards__med-title">Medellín</h1>
            <img class="cards__medimage" src="img/medellin.jpeg" alt="medellin">
            <h2 class="cards__texthead" id="texthead_media640">The City of Eternal Spring</h2>
            <h2 class="choice" id="choice-media640">I choose Medellín!</h2>

    <a href="signup.html"><section class="cards__bog">
            <h1 class="cards__bog-title">Bogotá</h1>
            <img class="cards__bogimage" src="img/bogota.jpg" alt="bogota">
            <h1 class="cards__texthead">The City where the Past and Present Meet</h1>
            <!-- <a href="signup.html" class="cards__bog-btn">Choose City</a> -->
        <h2 class="choice">I choose Bogotá!</h2>
    <a href="signup.html"><section class="cards__san">
            <h1 class="cards__san-title">Santa Marta</h1>
            <img class="cards__santaimage" src="img/santa.jpg" alt="santa">
            <h1 class="cards__texthead" id="texthead__media1024">The Destination with Everything</h1>
            <!-- <a href="signup.html" class="cards__san-btn">Choose City</a> -->
            <h2 class="choice" id="choice_santa">I choose Santa Marta!</h2>